Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [verb] down [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So often the right tool for the job is hanging in the tool shed at home when you are helping a friend in his house , or have broken down in the car away from home .
2 I have finished my letter and sit staring down through the orchard thinking about those who have occupied the slit trenches since 6th June : Taff , the mortar team , the others who have gone and have been replaced by new faces .
3 The final example is perhaps an unexpected mathematical experience as there is no discussion of the tower itself but rather the child has been carried to the top of the high tower in his imagination and asked to look down at the people below .
4 When Dulé and his companions regained the beach , they were so stunned and wearied by the water and the flames , the howling and frantic clangour of their rout , that they dragged themselves and their boat to the first cover they could find , and lay face down against the earth ; they could sense it trembling as if it were an animal alive beneath them .
5 It may also be useful in case the patient becomes unexpectedly tired , and needs to sit down for a moment .
6 The journalists claim in ‘ Ambush : The War Between The SAS and the IRA ’ that the SAS man drove a lorry identical to the ex-UDR man 's and pretended to break down on a lonely Tyrone road .
7 When the sun slides across the sky from right to left and the new moon faces the wrong way you are ready to bet the stripes of the rainbow are inside out , yet curiously unprepared to find the Plough fallen from its high point in the heavens and collapsed face down on the night horizon .
8 To play shuffle the cards and place face down in the centre of the
9 A group of shaven-headed yobbos , with tattooed cheeks and nationalistic leanings , observed this from the upper deck and came swarming down from the bus .
10 And first , there was a long interruption to normal service at Prime Minister 's Question Time when two Tory backbenchers threw themselves in front of the House and got mown down by the Opposition roaring with ridicule .
11 From now on we shall not hang around our side of the Front , waiting for the foe and getting shot down by the French artillery .
12 The young squire sitting against the buttress , keeled slowly over and sprawled face down on the pavers .
13 And do n't get so drunk that you ca n't stand up and have to sit down in the middle or , worse still , can not speak at all .
14 The whole affair , however , failed to gain the status of a diplomatic issue and started to calm down after the New Year holiday , leaving bad feeling between different groups of students .
15 So the more frozen in horror a human being is , the more likely the cat is to leap up and try to settle down on the static lap .
16 After his sensational ( and bloodthirsty ? ) triumph over the priests of Baal on Mount Carmel , he was told of the threat to his life by Ahab 's foreign queen Jezebel , and decided to flee down to the desert around Mount Sinai , the home of many prophets and a place of pilgrimage for many more .
17 He dismissed the subject from his mind and decided to go down to the tiny lunchroom he ran for his employees , to get a cup of coffee .
18 He put the journal on Alexandra 's lap and went to sit down in the chair beside hers .
19 He sought resolve and found a little and went to lie down on the bed to read a paperback of Anna Karenina , which he had always fancied because it had a scene on a railway platform .
20 Freed , thus , from the weight of the dragon 's will , and safely assured of being able to get home again Maggie turned her mind to her own task and went travelling down into the labyrinth of memory and desire .
21 I persuaded them both to come out of the room the same way , as I had no key to the door , and took Heathcliff down into the warm servants ' kitchen with me , while Catherine returned to her guests and the dancing .
22 He washed , dressed and took Ranulf down to the refectory for bread , cheese , a little ripe fruit and some watered wine .
23 Gabriel was not permitted to show himself , and had to duck down inside the cart , underneath the costumes .
24 The Jew had left Judaea , where the capital has a name difficult to pronounce ( they call it Ierusalem ) and had come down to the sea .
25 She had detoured through the town 's central square on the way home and had sat down on a bench , raising her head to the trees .
26 John Simpson had also been appalled by the competition entries for Paternoster Square and , at a very late stage , had managed to get hold of a copy of the brief — — to provide office space and car parking — and had sat down with a number of colleagues to draw up a scheme of their own .
27 I jumped up and ran laughing down through the grass and the bushes , down into the glen .
28 Benjamin walked over , past the baptismal font and stood looking down into the sanctuary .
29 He strode over to the door and stood looking down at the handle , shaking his head sadly .
30 Turning up the collar of his Burberry against the chill morning air , he climbed up the slope to the rim of the hollow and stood looking down at the car .
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