Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [verb] for a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is not point arranging to play squash if you dislike the game , or vowing to go for a jog each day , if you hate running .
2 This was a major objective of burial societies and other forms of insurance ; irreplaceable possessions were often pawned or sold to pay for a funeral .
3 The working-class wives of early eighteenth-century London earned from charring , laundry , nursing , making and mending clothes , hawking , silk-winding and in the catering and victualling services : The great majority of women were unable to work in male trades and , since nearly three quarters of women wanted to or had to work for a living , they necessarily competed intensely for the work which was left , much of it of a casual nature and none of it organised by gilds and livery companies .
4 The Company 's hint was taken , and on 6th July the Charity Commissioners approved the new Board , which met for the first time twelve days later and agreed to advertise for a Headmaster who — after all the fuss and contrary to what may have been expected — was required to be an Anglican clergyman !
5 Call me suspicious , but this implies that the crampon , far from adhering steadily to the spot upon which its owner has chosen to commit his or her weight , has decided it prefers an altogether different rock and has gone for a bit of a slide .
6 Kate obtains a copy of Sheila Kitzinger 's The New Good Birth Guide and Gordon Bourne 's Pregnancy and starts looking for a hospital that gets two stars and is nearby .
7 Faith 's day starts at around 6am when baby Jake wakes up and starts yelling for a feed .
8 Pair or group tasks will not stimulate worthwhile collaboration unless they engage children 's interest and involvement , and are sufficiently flexible and challenging to allow for a range of responses .
9 Then three years ago , she lost her hearing and seemed destined for a life of isolation before she underwent the operation .
10 Then he frowned and seemed to consider for a moment .
11 Then he took out a book from his desk and began to search for a name .
12 She reached into the Mini and lifted out her bag and began to rummage for a pen and paper .
13 The water splashed heavily against the glass , and rising to fumble for a towel , he saw his face distorted , the mouth hanging , the heavily-lidded eyes half hidden by glistening weeds of black hair like the surfacing visage of a drowned man .
14 and forms to sign for a petition .
15 The library arts college student is definitely scheduled for supervised reading periods and permitted to ask for a class meeting whenever he feels his readings have failed to answer questions .
16 The executive of the 1922 Committee met at the home of its chairman , Edward du Cann , on October 14 , and decided to press for a leadership election .
17 We consider what old fishing boats , and even vessels that were not specially made for fishing , can be adapted and sent to fish for a year or two .
18 Space , however , was limited and Malc and I and the kids had to share one bedroom and keep praying for a council house of our own .
19 It 's not unusual for blood pressure to go up as a result of stress , so if you have a high reading at some point , your doctor or midwife might suggest you rest and try to relax for a while before they check it again .
20 ‘ Sit down and try to relax for a minute . ’
21 It 's time to wrap up against the cold and go hunting for a convertible .
22 Lady Selvedge and Mrs Grandison arrived at Victoria Station on the day of the bazaar shortly after noon , and proceeded to look for a place where they might have lunch , or luncheon , as they called it .
23 The stricken suitor followed the tradition laid down in these matters and went to look for a fight .
24 Ada Younger is to go out to Zimbabwe in the late summer and hopes to arrange for a group from the church to go at a later date .
25 The Regional Council has not attempted to argue that increased levels of infill can and do compensate for a shortage in the HP4 supply .
26 Perhaps she might stay in Southwark and agree to go for a walk , or at least sit and share a goblet of wine with him and gossip about the past .
27 If she is sure that she would not qualify for a supplementary pension and wishes to apply for a rent rebate or allowance , an application form , and the information leaflet There 's Money off your Rent , can be obtained from the local authority Housing Department .
28 Mr. Lennis sent for me and said that Mr. Andrew was feeling run down , and had gone for a cruise in one of the ships , the Emily T. I kept expecting a letter or a postcard from him , but nothing came .
29 John Mumford had been a curate in the Church of England with a significant ministry and had gone for a year 's sabbatical to California .
30 Styling himself ‘ Dr. Isaac Titford ’ , he had been commissioned surgeon ( not by any means so prestigious a profession then as now ) in the first battalion , Sixtieth Royal American Regiment , and had lived for a while in Virginia ; he was also giving his enterprising spirit full reign out there in the West Indies , fathering the odd quadroon or two , dabbling in the slave trade , a postmaster at Spanish Town , a partner in a firm of druggists in Kingston and the owner of a coffee and pimento plantation .
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