Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [verb] [adv] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 A daughter ( or more rarely a son ) who has never left the parental home , or who has returned after widowhood or divorce to stay on indefinitely to care for an elderly parent or parents , does not make this choice automatically .
2 He suggests that IBM has been using cash to offer attractive financing to help sell mainframes to generate the revenue growth to cover the cost of its 180,000-strong mainframe-oriented sales and service organisations , and needs to work out how to make the mainframe business the cash cow it should be , focussing on the near $20,000m in sales , general and administrative costs , not the $6,500m for research and development , pointing out that saying it is cutting $1,000m off this , mainly on mainframes , while not making a proportionate cut in costs , is a recipe for disaster .
3 The breed probably paid the penalty of being too lightweight and failing to fatten well enough to meet farmers ’ demands for beef from their dairy herds .
4 Unlike the adults , who are used to seeing people looking at them through the underwater viewing window , the baby could n't believe her eyes when she saw people under the water and kept going back down to have another look .
5 And start to think how best to welcome fifteen enemy ships who want to offload an army . ’
6 She hated excessive make-up and had applied just enough to emphasize her striking looks .
7 ‘ I am on my way to take up a situation as companion and had to put up here to catch the cross stage tomorrow . ’
8 Others had scrambled across the field , dodging shellbursts , and had taken off only to forget where they were supposed to be going .
9 Perhaps he had discovered a seam — did you have a seam of garnet ? — and had come back secretly to exploit it , and …
10 It was an uneasy night , pondering the risks of leaving illegally , with a barely seaworthy vessel , from an island of which we had read so fondly in Wallace and had come so far to see .
11 She felt bubbly with fun , and had to try hard not to let it show too much .
12 Her parents had been very aware of the problems of sibling rivalry when the younger child was born and had tried very appropriately to help Mary accept the situation .
13 The ethos of the '70s would leave everybody in equally drab council estates ; denied the chance that high quality schools used to offer ; offered ‘ permissiveness ’ in place of standards and values ; and left to quarrel over how to divide an ever- diminishing cake .
14 The community-centre members are conscious of the need for good relationships with their neighbours , and have bent over backwards to accommodate Muriel .
15 Scarlet had been willing to admit the truth of her words but had ceased too soon to concentrate , her mind already elsewhere as she wondered whether , if she could express herself differently and more coherently , her therapist might not have another , and a clearer , image of her .
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