Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The report side-steps such questions as whether the council will have the resources to protect threatened sites of special scientific interest ( SSSIs ) or to promote conservation in the countryside as a whole ( see p 7 ) .
2 Robert-Jean de Vogüé and Maurice Doyard , both members of the Commission de Châlons , convinced the German authorities that the Commission was powerless and unable to influence the trade on any matters raised , or to issue orders on the Führer 's behalf or from other agencies of the occupation forces .
3 The pies were produced within the public houses themselves by the manager 's wife or catering assistant on the basis of recipes prepared by this department .
4 So , a representative of the authority is entitled to be present at the taking of the evidence ; for example , the authority may wish to ensure that there is no infringement of his State 's sovereignty or security , or to uphold privileges of the witness .
5 The annual celebration of the ‘ World day of the Sick ’ , therefore , has the manifest purpose of making the People of God and , as a consequence , the many Catholic health care institutions and civil society itself , more aware of the necessity of ensuring the best possible care for the infirm ; of helping the sick person to make the most of suffering , on the human level , but most of all on the supernatural one ; of especially helping the dioceses , Christian communities and religious families to be involved in the health care of apostolate ; of enhancing the ever more valuable commitment of volunteers ; or reminding people of the importance of the spiritual and moral training of health care workers , and last of all of creating a better understanding of the importance of religious care for the sick among diocesan and religious priests , as well as among those who live and work at the side of the person in pain .
6 Thus , faced with words with a medial e sound like : head bed thread or led health except the pupil ought to be clear that because there is a spelling choice , he is encouraged to use the dictionary to check which is the correct form for this context .
7 Reception staff should neither smoke or eat food in the reception area .
8 Not all expatriates receive company cars and so employers may provide car loans or make payment towards the cost of shipping an employee 's car from home .
9 Some colour combinations clash or make parts of the screen unreadable , so make notes of any changes you make .
10 The Bank will either rediscount ( that is , buy ) some of the bills or make loans against the security of such bills .
11 And that includes older people , who are not yet confirmed or made members of the church .
12 There are many different reasons why people can experience difficulty in achieving or maintaining independence for the AL of maintaining a safe environment and , therefore , may require assistance from nurses or others .
13 Its 12-member Monetary Policy Committee ( MPC ) , modelled on the Federal Reserve 's Open Market Committee , will be a ‘ sanctuary ’ at the heart of the bank , he says , forbidden — along with other senior bank officials — from seeking or accepting instructions from the government or any other body .
14 This would include immediately removing any sinking or foundering vessel from the water , and also taking all steps to protect an outboard motor which has been submerged in salt water .
15 IBM Corp has agreed to pay the US government $14.8m to settle that potential False Claims Act civil suit after IBM admitted to providing reconditioned or remanufactured computer equipment to the US government between 1980 and 1990 , contrary to contract provisions — under the contract , IBM was required to notify the government prior to delivery of anything other than new equipment , and the investigation revealed that IBM delivered approximately 15,000 reconditioned or remanufactured machines to the government ; IBM voluntarily owned up that it might not have fulfilled its obligations under the contract after conducting an internal audit .
16 The Crown Prosecution Service were informed of Buckley J. 's order and of the plaintiffs ' intention to appeal from the decision of Wright J. , and were asked whether they wished to intervene or make representations in the appeal .
17 Either or both will do a fine job of picking off enemy war machines or lobbing missiles into the middle of key enemy units .
18 ‘ On the making of an order for possession of such a dwelling-house , or at any time before the execution of such an order … the court , subject to subsection ( 5 ) below , may — ( a ) stay or suspend execution of the order , or ( b ) postpone the date of possession , for such period or periods as the court thinks fit .
19 Coopers , which is not accepting or denying liability under the agreement , says that the money will come from ‘ various sources ’ , including its insurers .
20 Where all parties consent , the court may make , vary or revoke directions without the need for attendance at court .
21 They were bought mainly by Labour voters , single mothers and divorced men unable to buy accommodation at market value or to find accommodation through the housing list .
22 Last year 226 employees lost their jobs , 196 in the UK and 40 in Italy , although many were relocated within Courtaulds businesses , or found employment through the job search scheme .
23 ( 5 ) The offeror may wish to use the assets of the target to help pay for the bid or to provide security for the offeror 's borrowings .
24 The House had radically amended the bill in April 1990 by lifting almost all restrictions on off-duty political activity , but the version passed in the Senate — by 67 votes to 30 on May 10 — retained prohibitions against running for partisan political office or soliciting funds from the public .
25 Such duties derive from decisions of the Courts of Chancery in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , intended to ensure that persons/trustees who held assets or provided services for the benefit of others did so in good faith and for the benefit of those they represented .
26 Ask me instead about the Meaning of Life it would probably be easier to explain It all depends on whether you go First Class , Standard , on a Friday or Bank Holiday , before 9am , after 6pm , book a week in advance or want dinner on the train .
27 The pharmacist could be informed of the risk and would be well placed to help the prescribers achieve their therapeutic objectives ( for example , by offering compliance aids , visiting the home , or checking usage of the product ) and to inform them of any problems .
28 The answer is best illustrated by explaining the steps which DOS follows after you type in a program or command name at the DOS prompt .
29 The conduct of the polls was peaceful , but the first round failed to resolve the political and constitutional crisis or to revive confidence in the economy .
30 Economic effects : loss to community of school-related jobs , income , or services ; difficulty in attracting workers or keeping workers in the community .
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