Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 The Chief Inspector for England may , with the consent of the Audit Commission for Local Authorities in England and Wales , promote or undertake studies in connection with his functions designed to improve efficiency , economy and effectiveness in the management of schools in England .
2 The Chief Inspector for Wales may , with the consent of the Audit Commission for Local Authorities in England and Wales , promote or undertake studies in connection with his functions designed to improve efficiency , economy and effectiveness in the management of schools in Wales . ' .
3 New clause 3 proposes to add to the Bill the following : ’ The Chief Inspector for England may , with the consent of the Audit Commission for Local Authorities in England and Wales , promote or undertake studies in connection with his functions designed to improve efficiency , economy and effectiveness in the management of schools in England . ’
4 A Commando was therefore not unlike an infantry battalion but had only five small rifle or fighting Troops by comparison with the battalion 's four companies , each with over 120 all ranks .
5 Nor ( ss22 and 23 ) may an unqualified person who is not a licensed conveyancer or otherwise authorised under the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 provide conveyancing or probate services or prepare documentation in connection with such specialised work .
6 ‘ She 's working , ’ Luke returned dismissively , and it was true , she realised , following his glance and seeing Cavell in conversation with a television reporter .
7 To achieve this garden health , she underwrites some of the time-honoured techniques of manuring , weeding and rotating crops in combination with the everdeveloping new materials : fleecy translucent protective coverings , for instance , or improved strains of seeds .
8 We will end the scandal of poverty pay and bring Britain into line with the rest of Europe by introducing a statutory minimum wage of £3.40 an hour .
9 Elaborating the content of the Islamic Law bills in the National Assembly on April 11 , the Minister of State for Law , Justice and Parliamentary Affairs , Chaudhary Amir Hussain , said that they would enforce measures to control corruption in the public services and bring education in line with Islamic values .
10 In what , the chairman of the working party responsible for it and president of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland , described as ‘ the most fundamental change in audit reporting probably for more than a generation ’ , the SAS seeks to close the so-called expectations gap and bring practice into line with recommendations of the report of the Cadbury committee on corporate governance , of which was also a member .
11 Does the Prime Minister believe that pensioners were paid too much in 1979 , or will he express regret at that meanness and raise pensions in line with Labour 's plans ?
12 ‘ He was very clever and went into an entire theatrical about the whole thing and produced pieces of paper with stamps on them .
13 He came across a cave where three hundred partisans were quartered and fought side by side with them until the end of the war .
14 In 1981 it cut the link between earnings and unemployment benefits and uprated benefits in line with price rather than wage increases ( which have been higher for much of the decade ) .
15 BOVIS CONSTRUCTION have won a contract to manage a £200 million demolition and rebuilding programme in association with Waltham Forest Housing Action Trust ( HAT ) in east London .
16 The pay is usually appalling for those who do n't speak much of any language but their own and want cash in hand with few questions asked .
17 Rollers are used for consolidation of the surface to conserve moisture and press seeds into contact with the soil .
18 I remember dark streets , and walking hand in hand with my father .
19 He might have thought he had said too much on Friday , buying the umbrella specially and walking arm in arm with her , and be afraid she would think he had meant more than he had .
20 The GLC , under Labour control , stretched its responsibilities in unexpected ways and pursued policies in conflict with the priorities of the Conservative government .
21 It should include assessment and provide feedback on progress with glycosylated haemoglobin levels .
22 After a year or two I was nipping out at lunchtime to pick up a new skirt for the office party , calling at the dry cleaners , handing in the photos to be developed and meeting friends for lunch with the best of them .
23 As so many times before , Vologsky carne to the end of the mental games he played with himself , dismissed the last hopeful excuse for his rejection and came face to face with the lonely bitterness of reality .
24 Then she turned away and came face to face with Emelda Linley .
25 Returning the chisel to the bench , she turned to leave and came face to face with Leo 's sister .
26 Then he blundered into the turning he wanted , limped down it and came face to face with the blank grey door leading into the four Turkey Pens .
27 And came nose to nose with the tortoiseshell .
28 In Books 1–3 , the emphasis is on listening comprehension and oral work , while in Books 4–6 there is increased emphasis on reading and writing skills in line with children 's developing abilities .
29 This appointment is to be interpreted and receive effect in accordance with the law of Scotland .
30 I would entreat your Honour to muster thirty men and send them to us and put shoes on board with them , for we have committed one great error in not putting shoes on board with the last , which was occasioned by means of a dispute we had with our cobblers about the price .
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