Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] be [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With more emphasis on household products , does this mean that Marks and Spencer is turning itself into a supermarket ?
2 It was Saturday morning and suburbia was busying itself with the tasks it likes so much .
3 UTV and Channel 4 now have their own separate sales arrangements in Dublin , and UTV is pushing itself as an all-Ireland TV medium .
4 In stressing this aspect , Marx and Engles were basing themselves in great part on the excellent description that Morgan had supplied for the matrilineal descent groups of the Iroquois , and , in his stress on the community aspect of descent groups , Morgan has been in many ways supported by later work .
5 But otherwise everything 's written down and we have bought the e of the computer but Wendy is familiarizing herself with it and it 's quite hard work .
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