Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [pron] have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 According to Ben , she had waited for him and he had failed her ; never mind that the real fault was not his , or that he had lain at death 's door , or that he had been loath to go to her as a cripple , with nothing to offer but a life of struggle .
2 Or that I 've been involved in a murder .
3 Please continue to write until all the prisoners of conscience in the series are free , or until there have been satisfactory investigations into those who have ‘ disappeared ’ .
4 Or if I had been poor and friendless , with no hope of riches or success ? ’
5 It is the recognition of this principle and its implications which is particularly characteristic of Labov 's approach to data : ‘ for the section of speech being examined all occurrences of a given variant are noted , and where it has been possible to define the variables as a closed set of variants , all non-occurrences in the relevant environments ’ ( Labov 1982a : 30 ) .
6 Recall the requirements of this principle ( cf. 6.1 ) that ‘ all occurrences of a given variant are noted , and where it has been possible to define the variable as a closed set of variants , all non-occurrences of the variant in the relevant circumstances ’ ( Labov 1982a : 30 ) .
7 Ever since he could think at all he had realised that the class which exploited the worker in every country would fight to the last ditch for the sake of keeping the worker where he was and where he had been all his life .
8 Thus it has been held that there was a course of dealing where the parties contracted three or four times per month for three years ( Kendall v Lillico ) and where there had been 81 transactions over a period of six years ( SIAT di del Ferro v Tradax Overseas SA [ 1978 ] 2 Lloyd 's Rep 470 ) , but not where there had been only three or four contracts over a five-year period ( Hollier v Rambler Motors ( AMC ) Ltd [ 1972 ] 2 QB 71 ; in addition the alleged course of dealing was not consistent ) .
9 For me , it was sufficient satisfaction that Eliot had approved my essay ; that he considered it the best thing I had done ; and that I had been one of the few to express opinions which had his total concurrence .
10 getting increasingly frustrated on the subject of other things , pelican crossings and that I 've been concerned to hear since I 've I 've been requested this question and er it was briefly reported in the Cambridge evening news last night that they they 've had almost continuous telephone calls today complaining erm which shows the public as I thought of my own experience er are very concerned about this and would like to erm first of all bring it to the council 's attention and do regard as serious and ask the chair if there is a proper investigation will be made into the way the council handles this subject .
11 We reckoned that the British Army was the most professional in the world and that it had been influential in training the South African and Israeli armies who we thought took second and third place .
12 But we were told recently by a delegation from the french Senate , studying British methods of scrutiny of Community legislation , that they had great difficulty in obtaining copies of Commission legislative proposals and that it had been necessary for them to establish an office in Brussels to ensure a reliable supply .
13 And that it had been dead for at least half an hour !
14 I told her I 'd breast-fed the children on it and taught them to read by the fire on it , and that it had been wonderful as a family gathering place for many years .
15 The continued silence about him gave rise to new rumours about his health and mental condition , and that he had been relieved of his duties by Himmler and Goebbels .
16 He began by saying he had been asked to speak on censorship and that he had been upset by the reception meted out to Sinead O'Connor at the Madison Square Garden Bob Dylan tribute .
17 ‘ Ca n't be at home for ever , ’ he had said , feeling it was unfair , and that he had been due something for working .
18 The Home Office originally announced that no prisoners had been injured , but it was finally admitted that 54 had been , and that there had been criminal assaults on prisoners by staff .
19 In the court below she had also alleged that her husband was acting not only on his own behalf but as agent for the bank in obtaining her consent , that the bank was negligent and that there had been material misrepresentation , although the latter allegation was not pursued .
20 On February 21 , 1991 a hearing took place before the justices , in camera , at which it was submitted on the defendant 's behalf that the publication of the prosecution would be a penalty highly prejudicial to the defendant 's business , that the publicity would bring about closure , that the restaurant had strong defences to each summons and that there had been serious breaches of PACE by the investigating officer .
21 All three were aware that the King and Queen had , after four years of war , come to represent to their subjects all that was best in the domestic and public virtues , and that there had been current for some time an idea of presenting to them a gift as a mark of national respect , thanks and loyalty .
22 Some reports indicated that Palestinians in Kuwait had generally opposed the Iraqi invasion and that there had been considerable co-operation between Palestinians and Kuwaitis .
23 Following the allegations of fraud in the July 1989 legislative and municipal elections in five states [ see p. 36811 ] an independent tribunal ruled in September that the left-wing nationalist Democratic Revolutionary Party ( Partido de la Revolución Democrática — PRD ) had in fact won 14 of the 18 seats in the state legislature in Michoacán , as opposed to the six initially conceded to the PRD against 12 for the ruling PRI , and that there had been widespread voting irregularities in the other four states .
24 In that era , notes Forster , if you had ‘ Venetian ’ tendencies , you thought it was because you were meant to be a man and that there had been some mistake .
25 I believe that the very speed at which they have been absorbed into the school system indicates an uncritical acceptance of the package because it is new and modern and fashionable and that there has been little serious examination of which aspects are relevant and which are not .
26 Note that bass notes are mostly dissonant with the melody , and that there has been little attempt to remove note-relationships which conventionally would be regarded as crude and unmusical .
27 The fact that women have decided to participate in the difficult but just struggle of El Salvador has meant that they have developed politically and ideologically and that there have been many changes in men 's attitudes , After the triumph , I believe these changes will become more apparent .
28 We 've had various explanations , including the British Post Office telling us that Australia 's strike record is as bad as Britain 's and that there have been numerous disputes that have delayed the mail to that country .
29 And so you 've been able to help a number of firms .
30 Passion had swept in then , and he had entered her , unable to help himself , clinging to her as she had earlier clung to him , and although he had been gentler than he had ever been with any other woman , she had cried out , and her face had twisted with pain , and Fergus had felt blood on his thighs .
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