Example sentences of "[coord] [conj] [pron] [verb] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Lozano had claimed that the motorcycle was aimed at him , and that he had no time to leap out of the way .
2 Lozano had claimed that the motorcycle was aimed at him , and that he had no time to leap out of the way .
3 Mr Chairman I 'm , I 'm a little bit concerned about er number two er there 's something that is , we promised to reply straightforward written enquiry with without sort of commenting on whether it 's two weeks , two days , or whatever , I am a little concerned that some of the replies people show me that have had from Highways Department , erm , they really whoever writes them do n't go into any detail , I 've had , I 've seen letters recently where , where somebody said it will be dealt with in about four weeks ' time , well that 's okay , maybe they 've good and valid reasons why about four weeks is about right for their particular problem , but they do n't know why it 's gon na take four weeks , they say oh god they should be able to do that in a couple of days there 's no problem it 's an easy little job , I , I feel that the , our officers when they reply they should give some amount of detail and if they give a time span in which they 're gon na put something right , they should say why it 's gon na take that long .
4 I should like to speak longer , because the hon. Member for Islington , South and Finsbury ( Mr. Smith ) spoke about the losses that he envisages would be incurred by the development of the station at King 's Cross , and if I had the time I should love to expand on the economic benefits that could be achieved in employment terms , the environmental benefits that would accrue to the area and the safety benefits that would be brought about by the Fennell provisions in the Bill .
5 Not sure , I must ask her where he does he goes to a Marks where they always have every possible man 's suit that Marks make and and he takes the time to buy two or even three because he does n't get that much time for shopping .
6 And though she cherished the times when Friend soared in companionship beside her through forever , always — reluctantly , it seemed sometimes , but always — he would pluck new motes of light and weave them into new shapes for her to read , but the shapes only made sense in their beauty , not in the real world where the coarseness of eating and cleaning and going to the toilet squashed the meanings out of the corners of her eyes .
7 But if there comes a time when I do , I 'll have you then .
8 This extract is made up of two consecutive speeches to Jessica ; either speech can be played for an audition , but if you have the time to do them both together the extract works well .
9 It may not be quite as easy to learn as the manufacturers claim , but if you have the time you will find it to be well worth the effort .
10 It may not be quite as easy to learn as the manufacturers claim , but if you have the time you will find it to be well worth the effort .
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