Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] find [pn reflx] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 African states went to war with each other often enough to have a large number of captives to sell , and competition among the slave traders encouraged this and pushed them into searching aggressively for slaves among their neighbours or else finding themselves enslaved by their better-equipped rivals .
2 You give a good firm aid that would have your youngster wandering gently off to the left and suddenly find yourself falling off the side because the old hand did a sharp left turn !
3 They played ‘ ’ Invitation to the Waltz' ’ on Radio 3 this morning' — she was speaking faster and faster , edging towards the gun — ‘ such a heavenly tune , I played it at school , and suddenly found myself waltzing round the kitchen , then Ethel leapt up and waltzed with me , and I thought perhaps there is a life after Hamish .
4 She felt like someone who suffered from vertigo and suddenly found themselves standing on the edge of a deep abyss .
5 Coughing and spluttering , she went under , treading water , and suddenly found herself supported by a pair of equally strong arms as she fought for the surface .
6 The fired guitarist did not mope and soon found himself playing in two Leeds groups , U.V And The Free Radicals and The Chorus .
7 More immediately , according to his biographer , Izaak Walton , he was persuaded by his landlady during this visit to London that he was a man of tender constitution who needed a wife to prolong his life and make it more comfortable ; because of his modesty and dim sight , Hooker left the choice to her , and soon found himself married to her daughter .
8 We followed a pleasant bridle path through trees and soon found ourselves listening to the sweet bubbling song of a black cap .
9 Now she 's in a Home , May still sees a lot of her family and still finds herself consulted by one of her numerous great-nieces .
10 However , with the immediate advent of the war , BOAC never had a chance to establish commercial operations on any scale , and quickly found itself used by the Air Ministry ( its overseeing body , also in control of the Royal Air Force ) for military transport duties and ferry and communication services .
11 For every bright-eyed wagon train or trail blazing adventure , there are a dozen Westerns dealing with lawmen or outlaws who have outlived their times and now find themselves constrained by the pettiness of a civilisation which is rarely grateful for the way they have cleared the ground for its progress .
12 Exhausted , she had slept almost the clock round that first night , and often found herself dozing during the day .
13 She was troubled , distracted in meditation , and often found herself staring into the middle distance when the other sisters were chanting Divine Office .
14 I went slowly , and presently found myself walking towards a most spectacular sunset .
15 A man may show an interest in a woman , simply wanting to try out his style , and then find himself ensnared by the admiration and attention she beams at him .
16 Characters who make it to the top of the hill see a brilliant flash of sunlight , experience momentarily the scent of a summer day abundant with wild flowers and the taste of sweet wine and nectar- and then find themselves standing in a corridor , with their backs to the west wall , opposite the door to the scribe 's room ( location 59 ) .
17 He lifted his sword and slashed , one , two , three , at the men between him and Siward and then found himself hurtling beyond him , pushed by the momentum of his own men screaming behind and on either side .
18 ‘ Ratners thought this through a couple of years ago and then found itself locked into the game of pushing price to keep volumes moving and everything was put on the back burner , ’ says Richards .
19 ‘ Oh , but he 's younger than I am , ’ said Ianthe , and then found herself flushing with annoyance at having taken Miss Grimes 's joke seriously .
20 But these breaches are frequently mere secondary symptoms of a fundamental problem : first making a factual mistake and then finding oneself propelled towards a wrong conclusion .
21 Aragorn has to choose between going to Mordor or to Minas Tirith ; delays , and then finds himself choosing between Sam and Frodo or Merry and pippin ; picks one quest , and then has to decide whether to rest or pursue by night .
22 He can not obey God and subsequently finds himself trapped in his own cocoon .
23 Meredith peered into a couple of loose-boxes and called ‘ Mr Fearon ? ’ but only found herself staring into surprised equine faces .
24 They coexisted with the now somewhat depleted Byzantine empire but soon found themselves embroiled in the Crusader invasion at the end of the eleventh century , in the course of which were to emerge Baibars the Mamluk and the celebrated Kurdish warrior known as Salahuddin al-Ayyubi or Saladin .
25 But both found themselves possessed of a consuming interest in astronomy , to which in due course they devoted the rest of their lives after disposing of other distractions — in Hubble 's case , his law , and national service in two world wars .
26 She wanted him to be someone she could love and idealised the future in her head , but then found herself thinking about that most heartwrenching of adolescent discoveries ; people rarely are what you want them to be and betray you without malice , unaware of the pain they cause .
27 She had doubts about the road but then found herself driving along the grey fortress walls of what she hoped might be the Castello Crocetto .
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