Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] not the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of the members , who included seven householders , three servants ( presumably journeymen ) and a clerk , was Janyn Perowe , assessed at 40s. ; another was John Richard , a £10 man , and presumably not the labourer of the same name .
2 This developmental ideal is expressed in the German term ‘ Erziehung ’ ( pedagogy ) of which school-based education is therefore only a partial aspect ( and obviously not the concern of this legislation ) .
3 I have said it before and will say again that I am one such beneficiary , and probably not the sort of beneficiary that was intended when it was decided that a discount would be required .
4 Nice men all but surely not the management for South Africa 's first major tour since 1981 .
5 But why not the hall for a change ?
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