Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb base] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such judgements are supposed to be true or false in a fairly straightforward way , and to be testable by empirical enquiry or perhaps appeal to the common experience of the human race .
2 About ten or so blaze to the empty night .
3 Or just relax in the comfortable surroundings — it 's a home from home ( 6 ) .
4 More leisurely guests can relax at the bar or around the pool , play a quiet game of cards on the large verandah , or just rest in the attractive lounge .
5 It is alleged by the plaintiff that the use of these roads by numerous heavy goods vehicles at night amounts to a public nuisance for which the defendants are responsible : the dock company because it controls the Gillingham Gate and by its operation of the gate and the port in general causes or permits the heavy goods vehicles to go in and out of it at all hours , and the fourth and fifth defendants , Crescent Wharves Ltd. and Ship Link Terminals Ltd. respectively , because as sublessees of the dock company they or their customers send heavy goods vehicles in and out of the port and cause or materially contribute to the alleged nuisance .
6 If you suspect a gas leak at any time , do not strike a match or even turn on the electric light , as that can produce a minute spark that can cause an explosion .
7 Ageism seems to be partly triggered off by a fear of becoming old and dependent , and so a reluctance to identify or even empathise with the oldest people .
8 The sight of all which struck them with consternation or a kind of horror that they incontinently gave over search and with the utmost hurry and dread , throwing earth and turf to fill up the pit they made , they departed , having neither of them the courage to enter or even inspect into the further circumstances of the place ’ .
9 Serfdom survived in Russia , as in Rumania , chiefly in areas of grain production with a dense peasant population , where landlords could either compensate for their competitive weakness by raising labour services , or alternatively hope by the same method temporarily to cut themselves in cheaply on the grain export market .
10 ( 4 ) Any shares not accepted pursuant to such offer or further offer as aforesaid not including fractions unalloted shall be under the control of the Directors who may allot , grant options over or otherwise dispose of the same to such persons who are qualified to be members on such terms and in such manner as they think fit , provided that such shares shall not be disposed of on terms which are more favourable to the subscribers thereof than the terms on which they were offered to the members .
11 ( 4 ) Any shares not accepted pursuant to such offer or further offer as aforesaid not including fractions unalloted shall be under the control of the Directors who may allot , grant options over or otherwise dispose of the same to such persons who are qualified to be members on such terms and in such manner as they think fit , provided that such shares shall not be disposed of on terms which are more favourable to the subscribers thereof than the terms on which they were offered to the members .
12 A dynasty which had ruled a great network of continental territories , larger in geographical extent than those of the Capetian kings of France , could not easily forget that legacy , nor readily adjust to the changed political conditions of the later thirteenth century .
13 ‘ In applying national law , whether the provisions in question were adopted before or after the directive , the national court called upon to interpret it is required to do so , as far as possible , in the light of the wording and the purpose of the directive in order to achieve the result pursued by the latter and thereby comply with the third paragraph of Article 189 of the Treaty . ’
14 However , it is good enough to say that light entering one end of the fibre will reflect repeatedly along its length and eventually emerge at the other end ( see Fig 4 ) .
15 If the money supply is not expanded sufficiently to meet this demand , interest rates will rise , this in turn will discourage some investment and so contribute to the slowing down in the growth of output and eventually lead to the upper turning-point .
16 Turn the machine back on and slowly pour in the hot liquid .
17 The imminence of a Labour government may have persuaded some of the middle class to consult their interests rather than their tender consciences , and so return to the Tory fold .
18 These values should be increased to give optimal response and so adapt to the overall machine loading on the host system .
19 It follows that any significant increase in the number of defendants who are committed for trial to the Crown Court instead of being dealt with by the magistrates will itself engender further delays and so add to the growing remand problem .
20 Cato had an instinctive interest and perhaps respect for the conquered populations of Italy and the provinces .
21 Will he instruct them to explore further the possibility of greater co-operation so that we can work , train and perhaps exercise with the Russian forces ?
22 So when you holiday in Britain you can wish for good weather and only hope for the best .
23 All signals are thus essentially selective rather than instructive since they bring a minimal amount of new information to the cell , and only select from the possible responses open to the cell .
24 I was astonished and er I knew that there were there was a similar incident in Gatwick and erm I knew that our crew were quite er highly trained and highly experience on the European routes and Gatwick especially we have very frequent flights to Gatwick .
25 We fought for them to come to the Assembly , where they could speak their minds and meet the Africans they never meet , and together listen to the Almighty Who might know better even than they what is best for the country .
26 Social workers should be able to help people with a disability express their feelings , adjust to new roles , find new sources of strength and generally cope with the psychological impact of disability .
27 The corporation hopes miners will take the redundancy and not go through the lengthy procedure .
28 There was also still a feeling in the Hollywood colony that as he had established himself as a star he should not play an unattractive character , and , what is more , he would only be the second lead and not appear for the first twenty minutes .
29 I 'd be a complete idiot if I thought that I could go through life and not bounce into the occasional person who did n't have my welfare at heart , and I 'm no idiot .
30 Er now I I would expect , I do n't know whether it 's worth talking about the general principle that we 're talking about different routes here and as i understand , the purpose today was to talk about the need for relief roads and I would expect at some future date , at a public enquiry when er I 'm defending er the outer blue er the outer northern route , to defend why that was chosen as opposed to an inner northern route and not rely upon the key diagram in the structure plan and the stars that are shown on there .
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