Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb pp] to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It has already been made clear that the definition of a ‘ professional ’ degree course being adopted here is an operational rather than conceptual one : it is a course which has a consistent and fairly exclusive relationship with a particular occupation , exclusive in that graduates from such courses tend not to go into other occupations , and in that entry to that occupation is largely or wholly restricted to graduates from such courses .
2 If not , one presumes that radiography would have either shown no lesion or not contributed to management of disease .
3 But visitors have reported intolerable conditions on many wards , patients locked up all day or even chained to walls as approved forms of correction .
4 Poisoned by pollution , hunted for meat , drowned in fishing nets or simply bored to death in captivity , the toll is growing by the day .
5 If , as has been suggested above , insider evaluation is primarily associated with curriculum improvement , it comes as little surprise that proposals for particular approaches are directly or indirectly related to models of curriculum design and development .
6 His exact statement was that he ‘ had been assured by UPH that no profit of any description either directly or indirectly accrued to UPH from the transaction with Telecom ’ .
7 She had been very ill and suddenly taken to hospital without Darren 's knowing why .
8 After the two pictures for Leone , Van Cleef stayed in Europe to make pale imitations of them and only returned to Hollywood in 1970 for El Condor which unwisely made him a sympathetic character .
9 Individuals usually more widely scattered over shore than Golden Plovers , and less given to manoeuvres in close flocks .
10 A broken man , pale and much given to outbursts of weeping , a man trembling on the threshold of self-murder .
11 And it certainly means that any debate will have to be open , and not tied to deals between politicians : the decision must , ultimately , be made by the people by referendum .
12 As this is in fact used as the Parish Burial Ground and not restricted to members of St Peter 's church they feel that responsibility for its upkeep should not be left to a relatively small number of volunteers .
13 I feel just as guilty because I have been here five Sundays and not come to church on any of them .
14 In the present study , the expression was used more frequently in the pooled with conditions than in the pooled and conditions , and thus corresponded to conditions in which plurals were less frequent .
15 I was two days late in getting onshore and just got to London on time .
16 The Russians were interested in and finally converted to Christianity at the end of the tenth century and from this time onwards their ecclesiastical architecture was based on that of Constantinople while the churches were , in many cases , built and decorated by Byzantine craftsmen .
17 In the novel itself we meet the Russian people , the folk , only once , and then as inflictors of suffering , in Raskolnikov 's half-dream ( which is also half-memory ) of a little mare being tortured and finally clubbed to death by drunken peasants .
18 51 Cr-labelled T cells and recombinant human MIP-1 β ( from M. Tsang ) were added to the plates , settled at 4°C for 60min and rapidly warmed to 37°C for 15min , after which non-adherent cells were washed off .
19 What was clear , however , was that he was extremely intelligent , and quickly got to grips with the complex technicalities of nuclear fission and its consequences .
20 Rain knew Oliver was picturing himself back in the wine bar in Chelsea telling everyone how he 'd been mistaken for a drug dealer and nearly done to death in a Mediterranean backstreet by an underworld rival .
21 They are expelled from the second city they visit ( Acts 13:51 ) , plotted against at the next ( Acts 14:5 ) , and nearly stoned to death at Lystra ( Acts 14:19 ) .
22 The Duke 's gardener , Joseph Paxton designed the Crystal Palace which was erected in Hyde Park for Prince Albert 's 1851 Great Exhibition , and later transferred to Sydenham in southeast London .
23 And later exported to Ireland for service on the three-foot gauge CDJR which was entirely steam operated until 1907 .
24 Oh yes , if Greg had been around when the storm broke he 'd have faced ruin — and probably gone to gaol into the bargain .
25 On 17 December , al-Megrahi flew to Tripoli for a meeting , followed by Fhimah next day , and both returned to Malta on 20 December with a suitcase for the bomb .
26 ‘ We have never worked out what the chemistry is , but the audiences liked it and we realised ‘ Hey , we 've got something here ’ and really set to work on it .
27 Widely expected to have won last year 's Turner Prize , which was , in fact , awarded to Grenville Davey , Wilding is , nevertheless , enjoying a high profile , with a museum exhibition of ten sculptures from the last ten years having been organised by the Newlyn Art Gallery , where it was seen in March , and now transferred to IKON in Birmingham ( to 5 June ) .
28 Bel Shanaar , a seaman of wondrous skill , personally visited all the new colonies and even ventured to Karaz-a-Karak in the World 's Edge Mountains to swear the Oath of Friendship with the Dwarf kings .
29 Since I have had my C.B. I have spoken to people all over the country and even spoken to people in Ireland and Germany .
30 Relations between the Thai and Myanman armies were especially close and reportedly extended to co-operation in business dealings and in the suppression of ethnic insurgency along their common border .
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