Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Copernicus had shown that the apparent movements of the planets as observed from the earth can not be satisfactorily or coherently explained on the assumption that the earth itself lies immobile at the centre of the universe .
2 William and Andrew Smith invented an ingenious machine for printing tartan paper and from then on many of the products were partly or wholly covered with the paper , making them unique in the souvenir trade at that time .
3 He could see that the singer was n't especially old or badly dressed under the coat .
4 Expensive miss ; costly save , because just 4 minutes later , Derby had hit or rather rolled in the winner ; soft goal it was .
5 There is an important stage at which the person-centred world is superseded or rather supplemented by the world of which the person is one part .
6 Among these fish are a number of vital breeding projects , containing fish like Skiffia francesae that are extinct or extremely threatened in the wild .
7 Consequently , it is possible to identify types of information that are needed by language processing systems but are either absent from or wrongly presented within the dictionary .
8 All of these were more or less subsumed under the rubric of the developed ( advanced industrial ) societies and the developing ( usually a euphemism for undeveloped or , more radically , underdeveloped ) societies .
9 They took to the path with gusto , he finding the line somewhere between the nearside bank and the middle ridge , while the other more or less followed in the wake , content to orchestrate himself around the camera with his umbrella .
10 Economists , for example , often work with theories which stipulate that human economic behaviour is motivated by rationality , more or less conceived as the maximisation of means to ends .
11 The rational expectations hypothesis challenges macroeconomists of widely differing outlook to re-examine the short-run dynamics of their respective models so as to check that no assumption of irrational behaviour has been implicitly or inadvertently embedded within the structure of the model .
12 In practice , prayer in common , above all within a non-Catholic church , theological dialogue and practical co-operation were all either forbidden or highly restricted until the Council .
13 Although it can not be entirely free of period distortions , it shows more modest fluctuations in fertility than the TFR and in particular gives an estimate of fertility of over 2 children for most of the time since 1972 , not the 1.8 or so given by the IFR .
14 Stained preparations may fade rapidly when first examined but usually stabilize after a day or so stored in the dark at 4-C .
15 Am I alone in questioning the wisdom of giving a gift which the donor can not afford and which must be paid at the ludicrous interest of 25 per cent or so charged by the credit card companies ?
16 As the last wave periscoped up , with only a minute or so left in the heat , Pottz knew he had to take it : he needed a fourth wave to beat Carroll .
17 Again the goodwill is either inherent in the site or personally attached to the owner .
18 Selection of this sort raises all kinds of problems of the sample being consciously or unconsciously affected by the selector 's personal biases .
19 Provided there is no physically damaging effect , it would seem that what is seen , said , done , heard or physically felt by the mother has no effect whatever , but that emotional factors during pregnancy can have good or bad effect .
20 The undeniable fact is that all worshipped ‘ gods ’ have in the past been man-made , either imagined or physically made in the form of idols .
21 Doctrinally , the canons were undeniably Calvinist in outlook ; yet at the same time they expressed some ambivalence over the doctrine of predestination , and hinted at a recognition of the potentially damaging consequences of it being inadequately or incorrectly explained to the laity .
22 all losses suffered by and claims made against the Carrier in consequence of loss of or damage to property caused by or arising out of the carriage by the Carrier of Dangerous Goods whether or not declared by the Trader as such :
23 From what you know or have heard about each one , can you say whether you are generally satisfied or not satisfied with the service that each one provides ?
24 Within the two groups , NSAID users and non-users , there were no significant differences between synthesis of LTB 4 in patients colonised or not colonised with the organism .
25 Public consultation about policies can therefore be something of a sham where major options and potential developments are either not shared with the public by the corporation or not conceptualized by the public .
26 In the reactions with NCp7 , the NCp7 was either preincubated or not preincubated with the oligonucleotide for 7 min at 37°C prior to addition of IN .
27 Or not seen in the way she seemed to see .
28 The inherent jurisdiction of the High Court with respect to children , whether or not exercised through the procedure of wardship , is in theory without limit : see In re X. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Jurisdiction ) [ 1975 ] Fam. 47 , 51 .
29 Opens have been won or not won by the bag-man 's performance before and during the world 's oldest major championship week .
30 For us , then , an act of violence will be an act of physical interference with another , whether or not mediated by the use of a weapon .
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