Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb past] the [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 With an effort , she kept smiling as he topped up his own cup , added sugar , stirred , and unhurriedly raised the cup to his lips .
2 He smiled , finished his wine , and deftly turned the conversation to other matters .
3 That enigmatic little magician ignored this possible insult and deftly turned the conversation to other matters .
4 The Greeks had perfected the lintel method of spanning an opening ; the Romans adapted the arch from Etruscan designs and from their own development and thus led the way to later variations on this theme .
5 Milton had no intention of sharing the unpopularity which was attaching itself to Sir James and promptly referred the matter to the Solicitor-General for action , but the end result , as Mrs. Campbell pointed out , was that ‘ our Member has lost his interest in this parish and really by most of our friends in the shire ’ .
6 From its inception in April 1864 , George Healey was Honorary Secretary of the Liverpool Society for over 50 years , and still found the energy to back James Paul in his efforts to establish a national society .
7 We re-arranged the funeral cloths and decently restored the corpse to its coffin , pressing the lid firmly down .
8 The first defendants issued a common law notice to quit , and thereafter sold the land to the second to fourth defendants .
9 Seeing this , Hung Feng-Chan bowed deeply to his T'ang , then to the prince , and quickly handed the halter to one of the nearby grooms .
10 It was a convenient gathering point for all non-trainload traffic to and from South Wales , and also became the gateway to south-west England with feeder services to Bristol , Exeter , Plymouth and so on .
11 They decided to scale down the experiment and worked with a thinner piece of palladium , an 8 cm × 8 cm × 0.2 cm sheet rolled into a cylindrical shape , and also lowered the current to less than 0.2 amps instead of the 1.5 amp current that blew up the block .
12 She must have taken the letter straight to a photocopy shop after collecting it from the skip and then posted the copy to Zen before returning to the house , calculating that if the copy came to light each of the Milettis would equally be under suspicion .
13 Zanya , Jason and IB4E caught the sky bus to Ratvick , and then took the train to Zog Central .
14 Thus laden , I rode the 20 miles to Picton and caught the ferry ; stayed overnight in Wellington and then took the train to Auckland — no problems in putting the bike aboard ; and this journey lived up to expectations and surpassed them ; the scenery through the ‘ King Country ’ in autumn is quite unrivalled , and again looks like a superb area for a cycle tour .
15 I waited for another few seconds and then crossed the landing to my own flat where I completed my own process of locking myself in for the night .
16 Above Dorothea 's head , six new , blue mugs hung on six newly-erected hooks , for Florence Ames thought of all things and was constantly suggesting improvements — not that she insisted upon them or took anything in hand , only looked and suggested and then left the idea to be considered , accepted or rejected .
17 And then carried the news to Cara .
18 The defendant then selected one of them and then sold the set to that person for one penny .
19 He had taught himself shorthand and then taught the subject to others .
20 In ancient Egypt , doctors put wheat and barley seeds into separate cloth purses and then told the woman to ‘ pass her water on it every day …
21 I am not sure if Sir Henry Wood conducted it , for at that time he seemed to conduct only the first item of a concert , and then ceded the podium to Basil Cameron .
22 The managers interviewed in all four companies expected to initiate matters in the foreign language ( usually verbally — by telephone ; but also by producing draft written outlines of reports ) and then subcontracted the work to highly skilled subordinates , such as bilingual secretaries .
23 Lisabeth held back and then handed the bouquet to Fenella .
24 The phone was handed over to Erika , who confirmed the trip and then gave the phone to her mother , who exchanged a few banalities and then handed it to Omi , who cooed and clucked and finally returned it to Herr Nordern who said , briefly , that they all looked forward very much to seeing Karl again and firmly replaced the receiver before anyone else could claim it .
25 Thinking he was going to throw it away , Zborowski put out his hand to take it but Modigliani cowed him with a look and gravely presented the drawing to the sitter .
26 Ironically Roche , who was so effective at creating business , appeared unable to manage it , and almost drove the firm to bankruptcy when he became its president .
27 Presumably this could happen if the employee retired and sold the information or if he joined company X and yet sold the information to company Y. It may be a recognition by the Court that the attitude of the courts generally towards employees since 1913 has , in some cases , been over generous .
28 Bob pushed her back onto the landing once again , and again pulled the door to behind him .
29 The National Executive at first refused this , but eventually left the decision to the Conference delegates .
30 He said that it was clear that payment by a surety , whether in whole or in part , not only released the surety but also reduced the liability to the creditor of the principal debtor .
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