Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [that] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One correspondent , however , sees little evidence today of an agreed understanding of what constitutes monastic music or even that the music of the monastic tradition is above all the vehicle for its prayer .
2 By section 12 , the senior police officer is empowered to impose conditions on the proposed march if he reasonably believes that it may result in serious public disorder , serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community , or alternatively that the purpose of persons organising the march is to intimidate others ‘ with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do , or to do an act they have a right not to do . ’
3 Is it a function of ageing or simply that the mode of communication may become more restrained and that the emotional experiences are as rich as ever ?
4 The drugs coverage underlined that the paper was shifting rapidly — if erratically — from its earlier goal of being a London community paper , or maybe that the community to which it was addressing itself had changed rapidly in the year since its birth .
5 There is hardly any modern authority which suggests , as did the judges in Clarence , that either a wife can unilaterally in certain circumstances withdraw her consent , or else that the ambit of consent is restricted so that a wife is not deemed to consent to her husband where his conduct is egregious .
6 Anselm 's definition is seen as part of a clever philosophical con trick whereby he argues that it is greater for something to exist than not to exist , and thereby that the definition of God ( as the greatest thing conceivable ) demands that He exist !
7 Equation ( 12–1 ) becomes so that and so that the effect of mortgage interest deductions is to alter the effective marginal tax rate to and raise the value of the tax credit by bM 1 .
8 He could also have taken into account , if he was aware of it , that the effect of requiring an undertaking in damages from the council would be to cause the collapse of the law enforcement process in this area of law ; and further that the enforcement of the law was not merely desirable as such in the public interest , but that small retailers could well suffer if large retailers such as Wickes were able to continue to trade with impunity during a significant period in contravention of what might well prove to be a perfectly valid law .
9 Submissions were made that a life prisoner whose case is being referred to the judges under the ‘ first ’ consultation procedure ought to be allowed to make representations to the judges with the object of limiting his tariff , and further that the material to be placed before the judges should also be available for examination by the prisoner .
10 The highest priced work is the leaf from the Arenberg Psalter with illuminations on both sides , for which he paid about $520,000 in 1990 , admitting that he has been one factor in the rise in prices in single sheet miniatures at auction : ‘ Prices have climbed enormously because museum directors realise more and more that the history of painting before 1450 , and even into the sixteenth-century is to a very large extent found in illuminated manuscripts ’ .
11 Though I do not desire to stray into fields where others here are expert , I must point out that according to the first chapter of Genesis the world was so constituted from the beginning that good and evil were created together in it , and also that the knowledge of them existed before mankind .
12 And also that the heart of Marx 's critique of capitalism is that capital is owned by a professional class , the capitalists rather than those directly concerned with production , namely the workers .
13 Pierre Reverdy , a young friend and supporter of Picasso and Braque , was quick to realize the fact that true Cubism had not been the product of pictorial doctrines and theories , and also that the search for the means of expressing a new concept of form and space had made Cubism a style of almost unequalled pictorial discipline .
14 It might be argued that , even if such a statement were true of certain of Friedman 's works , it would not necessarily reveal anything about the man himself and also that the appeal to cognition was irrelevant .
15 The counter-arguments , which would uphold the principle of correspondence , are that breach of that principle is unnecessary when the amplitude of the crime of manslaughter lies beneath murder , and also that the definition of grievous bodily harm includes a number of injuries which are most unlikely to put the victim 's life at risk .
16 To take the example given earlier , it is necessary to show that the statement about the toothache can indeed be paraphrased into a statement about the corresponding neuro-physiological event ( and hence that the occurrence of the latter event is a logically adequate criterion for ascribing the experience in the given instance ) , and this can not be done without making use of the premisses which such a proof might be expected to underpin .
17 The close correspondence between the τ and r results suggests that the deviation from interval scale is slight and hence that the effect on results may not be radical ( Siegal , 1956 ) .
18 Because of the accident that , in the early days , a high proportion of the best anthropological field research wan carried out in societies which were made up of exogamous unilineal descent groups , many textbooks give the impression that unilineal descent is the normal pattern in primitive societies and hence that the distinction between kinship ( of common substance ) and affinity is normally clear-out and unambiguous .
19 With no elevation of the host there was no need for the pyx , and now that the notion of sacrifice had been denied , censers too were redundant .
20 Scottish Members of Parliament has been reduced to the nefarious nine , and now that the Secretary of State for Scotland and virtually every one of that nefarious nine trembles on the edge of the abyss of a total political wipeout in Scotland , will the Government finally see the sense of coming to the negotiating table and talking about Scottish government ?
21 It is , therefore , in the ward that most of her experience is gained , and here that the standard of good practice is set .
22 Moreover , from such analysis it was clear that in fact companies had responded in a whole range of different ways to the pressures upon them , and indeed that the nature of those pressures varied between industries and between firms .
23 Beyond it lay Nubia , and beyond that the Land of Punt , an almost legendary region which the Egyptians penetrated only briefly in the imperial years of the New Kingdom .
24 " Although I did my utmost to preserve an emotional detachment " , he writes , " I found again and again that the material under my hands was strangely alive ; it spoke to my condition in the most uncanny way . "
25 She did not like what her life demanded of her , but she knew painfully and absolutely that the moment for truth had come .
26 Writers with a preference for market over regulatory solutions ( whom we will refer to generically as ‘ market theorists ’ ) insist that management and shareholder interests are adequately aligned by market forces , and therefore that the lack of shareholder participation in the internal processes of control need give no cause for concern , and certainly does not indicate the necessity for any kind of external intervention .
27 But if I may interrupt , how do you cope with the argument that Mr Curtis was making that if your settlement is , say , less than two and a half thousand it is no more than a large housing estate which relies on the centre of York for its functions , of service , shopping , entertainment , and therefore that the difference between that the difference between a new settlement beyond the greenbelt and peripheral development , in those terms , is no different .
28 This means first of all that prisons compete with other government responsibilities for extremely precious resources and secondly that the question of ‘ lesseligibility ’ inevitably raises its head .
29 Much of the heat has by now gone out of these arguments , and it is fairly generally accepted , first that college librarians should be appointed on teaching scales and given academic status by nature of their work , and secondly that the work of a college librarian implies the librarian 's own active participation as a librarian in the college 's educational programme .
30 Not that I wanted to play chess nor even to frighten the good citizens of Budapest with a glimpse of my bare cadaver — my bathing trunks now also fell off me — but rather that the idea of a character — perhaps fleeing from something or someone — standing in those steaming baths moving queens and pawns , fitted perfectly into the outline I had .
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