Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb -s] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We have a Prime Minister with un-Thatcherlike understatement , and wily pragmatism and body language of the friendly bank manager next door , or so says an article in today 's Guardian .
2 Therefore , it is fair to ask why we are so keen on public transport if all experience over the past decade or so shows a fall in rail and bus passenger services and traffic in rural areas and in cities .
3 It should be noted that an employee will be in breach of his duty of good faith owed to his employer while employed by him if he makes , copies or deliberately memorizes a list of his employer 's customers for use after leaving this employment .
4 ( 3 ) Any person who resists or wilfully obstructs a constable in the execution of his duty , or a person assisting a constable in the execution of his duty , shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month or to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale or to both . ’
5 The OR then calls a meeting of creditors to decide whether they will make the debtor bankrupt or let him off by accepting an arrangement for less than 100 per cent of their debts to be paid in full and final settlement .
6 This is then built-up to a six-carbon monosaccaride or else enters a series of reactions which result in the regeneration of ribulose diphosphate .
7 The passengers were saddened by the thought that they were unlikely to see their native land again but probably neither before nor since has a group of people set out with more determination to establish a society founded on the highest principles of religion and education .
8 This picture has a more contemporary scenario , and successfully portrays a village at sleep
9 However , the diversity of the range of information and its potentially extensive scope do require consideration of the methods by which the data may be collected and thereby offers an opportunity for the development of more creative ways of defining and discussing with older people these various areas of their lives .
10 For that investment the member gets a stake in the club and in the freehold , and thereby has a say in how it is run .
11 Starved of emotional nourishment from that quarter , the daughter is brittle and neurotic and , when her boyfriend leaves her for another woman , she takes umbrage , haunts the new love-nest night and day , lets down tyres , makes abusive phone calls and eventually throws a stone through a window and gets herself arrested .
12 It amounts to an agreement by Member States not to employ their veto to prevent a majority decision , and effectively represents a reversal of the Luxembourg Compromise .
13 It can be used to date finds from anywhere in the world and so offers a means of comparing dated finds from different regions .
14 In a sentence such as ( 1b ) not only does did situate its lexical supplement ( eat ) in time like any other auxiliary , but it also evokes all the time necessary to actualize the infinitive 's lexeme and so produces a representation of an event seen from beginning to end as something that really takes its place in time .
15 Scant attention has been given to the way in which man 's attitude to death feeds back into his life and so exerts an influence upon society .
16 Though it is unfinished , the false start Do n't jus ' … has meaning and perhaps suggests a sense of urgency and impatience .
17 Given that stock logistics can not be an exact science and only provides an indication of use , McClellan 's system of analysing loans and shelf stock statistics is simpler ( particularly if issue statistics are analysed on a computer ) and probably no less useful .
18 It may be an absolutely true statement , but it does nothing whatsoever to give any guidance as to the ways in which performance may be improved and merely passes a message down the line that those at the top do not want to know the bad news and would like to dissociate themselves from it .
19 However , the conversion from a numeric user-address to a device address in terms of cylinders and records is carried out by the manufacturer 's software , and thus involves an overhead of both primary storage space and CPU time .
20 Althusser actually says that an ideal explanation would map out the relations between different factors down to and including individuals , and thus outlines a programme for a perfect social theory which would account for the parts played by individuals in social organisation and change .
21 Larval termites look like those most primitive of insects , the bristletails ; larval horseshoe crabs are visibly segmented and so reveal a similarity with the trilobites difficult to perceive in the adult ; the free-swimming molluscan larva looks very like that of the segmented worms and thus suggests a link between the two groups .
22 Oxidation is the process whereby an atom or ion loses an electron and thus acquires an increase in its positive charge or decrease in its negative charge .
23 It is simply a question of what sort of world we wish to inhabit — one of predictability , or one where the outcome is unknown to us and thus includes an element of self-exploration .
24 Secondly , it is necessary to identify the leadership function which permeates all levels of the institution and thus develops a culture of creativity that discriminates between leadership and management , so enhancing both .
25 As a first step in closing this gap , the study brings together into coherent order existing data on informal relationships in Britain , and thus provides a context for future research .
26 Finally , in location , size and amenities , the private builder ( including to a large degree the housing association ) necessarily builds to suit his customers and thus provides an index of demand .
27 The lead is unadorned save for an appliqué lead Maltese cross on the breast ; the shell follows the contours of the body , highly defined at the head end , and thus provides an indication of the true size of the occupant .
28 She had also made her mark in the plum role of Jo in the original London and Broadway productions of A Taste of Honey , Shelagh Delaney 's play about a working-class girl who reluctantly faces motherhood after an affair with a black sailor , and finally chooses a life without men .
29 A Class 4 transaction is one involving a listed company ( or any of its group companies ) and a connected party ( ie a director ( including a shadow director ) , former director within the last 12 months , substantial shareholder ( or former substantial shareholder within the last 12 months ) or an associate of any of them ) and usually requires a circular to shareholders and their prior approval .
30 Avoid specimens that are swimming off the aquarium bottom as this is a sign of distress and usually means an imbalance of water has occurred at some stage of the export/importation process .
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