Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The black and white approach used in this country , where a company is either wholly in the public sector or wholly in the private sector , is not mirrored on the Continent .
2 Move the cursor to a blank line or on to the first character of the text to follow the blank lines
3 Dentdale is superb walking country : the high ridge walks along Rise Hill and Barbon Fell are amongst the best in the Dales , while lower down , the Dales Way long-distance path follows the river for much of its length into Sedbergh , and some of the wooded gills like Flinter Gill , which arc a typical feature of Dentdale , have footpaths along them leading on to the fells or on to the old packhorse routes .
4 The voices have been heard as far as the race track or right at the other end of the town , depending on which way the wind is blowing .
5 If the RC needle moves left or right in the opposite direction from which the wind is coming , then your drift allowance is too large .
6 But as Ted Sandy-man ought to have realised , ‘ you 've got to have grist before you can grind ’ ; machine-masters end up machine-minders , and all for nothing , or rather for an insidious logic of expansion .
7 ‘ The one thing my father likes about me , or rather about the only thing he is n't directly rude about , is my hair ! ’
8 Therefore , take what occurs around the 29th or thereabouts as a definite sign or signal from the heavens that not only must life go on , but that it also has to get better and better .
9 The share price falls below the lowest current exercise price for 4 consecutive trading days or halfway between the lowest exercise price and the next potential series .
10 They considered , inter alia , the arguments in favour of a trial by jury in these cases ; whether there are types of cases which could be dealt with effectively or justly outside the criminal justice system ; and also whether there should be a properly structured system of plea bargaining with proper safeguards .
11 For example , an animal may be injured and it may be under anaesthetic ; now the welfare of an individual which is under anaesthetic because of the injury — because of the damage to it or perhaps of the reduced life-expectancy — is less good than that of an individual which is not injured .
12 Therefore , the company are to seek sponsorships and would welcome any enquiries now or perhaps at a later date when the industrial climate improves .
13 Perhaps once in a film , for a special moment , I might show the whole orchestra , or perhaps at the very end , with the lights down .
14 There are far too few illustrations for the size of the volume : ideally a dictionary of this size should contain many more , displayed in either date , alphabetical or country order , or perhaps in a comparative sequence .
15 While the basic aim of a service should be to provide people with ordinary homes of their own , there are many former long-term hospital patients who would not wish to live alone after many years of living in close proximity to other patients ; such people may feel more comfortable living in a three- or four-person flat or house , or perhaps in a sheltered group of flatlets where communal dining rooms and recreational facilities echo the arrangements in ordinary sheltered accommodation for elderly people .
16 If a manager had indifferent or poor leadership qualities his subordinates would still do their job , but they would do it ineffectually or perhaps in a confused manner .
17 My guess would be that they are the same advisers or perhaps from the same coterie of advisers .
18 Previous investigations have demonstrated how provision of emotionally relevant information can influence the way people interpret their own behaviour and in turn whether they respond emotionally or non-emotionally to a given situation .
19 Although no figures are yet available , this rate has probably flattened in 1990 and 1991 and may well prove to be around eight per cent or less at the current time .
20 Although care should be taken to choose varieties that ripen more or less at the same time to avoid losses , dredge mixtures are generally cut green and dried like hay to be fed ‘ on the straw ’ or made into silage .
21 It follows that it is possible for a member to have the same problem raised by both bodies more or less at the same time .
22 War was declared and , more or less at the same time , her mother , who wished to distance her from the rough and ready children at the village school , arranged for her to have piano lessons .
23 She remarried more or less at the same time as I did .
24 but they 've changed now , they 're more or less on the same basis as the U R C
25 Erm , I think it fair to say that if you 'd asked more or less to the next meeting and probably sub-committee would be quite , quite acceptable and I would thank you for drawing it to our to our attention .
26 After this , he resigned himself more or less to an athletics-oriented existence , taking up the offer of a job in a sports equipment shop , where he would be granted ample time off to compete in meetings and train regularly .
27 Unfortunately , for the traditional printing and graphic arts industries , the desktop publishing ‘ revolution ’ has taken place largely outside their control and has placed the capability to generate complex artwork directly in the hands of anyone with access to a computer and around £1,000 or less for the necessary software .
28 ‘ My grandfather was … always an active man , right t'more or less about the last year that he died .
29 Foucault has even been accused of returning , in this work , to the concept of a totality in the episteme ; it has certainly been somewhat hastily assumed that the latter can be appropriated more or less as a new way of describing a historical ‘ period ’ .
30 Medved muddies the waters by treating cinema , television and pop more or less as a single entity .
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