Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [noun sg] to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But a corporation created by or in pursuance of an Act of Parliament is subject to the rule that it has only such powers as are expressly conferred , or are necessarily or reasonably incident to the fulfilment of the purposes for which it is established .
2 Palmerston , with the longest speech of the debate , started by saying that Members would not be committed by the present vote to any style , as nothing would be decided until next session , and attacked Manners for approving ‘ the erection of so frightful a building ’ , involving expenses and perhaps disappointment to the architect without consulting the House .
3 These include traditional accountability to parliament or elected councillors , the courts and regulatory watchdogs to ensure standards of probity , impartiality and due process ; managerial accountability within the departmental hierarchy for results achieved , including economy and efficiency ; professional or peer group accountability for ethics and standards , and finally accountability to the service user and the local community .
4 For example , the hospital treatments that GPs can purchase were limited to standard relatively inexpensive procedures which the GP could easily diagnose and cost ; the costs a practice would bear for any one patient were limited to a maximum of £5,000 ( after this the DHA picks up the bill ) , and finally entry to the scheme was limited to large , well-managed practices .
5 Since she had been secretary to a bishop ( she learnt to type by trial and error ) , and also chauffeur to a bishop ( she learnt to drive by trial and error ) , she knew a lot of the clergy and their wives and had visited them all over the diocese , often in the black-out , and sat with the wives while the husbands talked to Bishop Owen , so she was good at remembering about them and their children and found the wives of the clergy to be fun .
6 His son of the first marriage , Thomas Bowen Kitchin , apprenticed to his father in 1754 and also hydrographer to the king , had already inherited the stock-in-trade .
7 Any precise quantification in the present muddled state of our economy is an obvious chimera and even approximation to the truth is so occluded by political utterance as itself to become unattainable .
8 According to the Serious Fraud Office , he was knowingly and dishonestly party to the pledging of common stock in publishers Berlitz International Inc , as security for loans to third parties .
9 He also knew that his wife , after being secretary to a bishop and then secretary to the professor of divinity , and his hostess for eight years , was better equipped to be the wife of the new Bishop of Durham than any other woman in the country .
10 What remains a problem is to explain why exposure to the context alone given after exposure to the stimulus can be quite without influence on the magnitude of latent inhibition ( Hall and Minor 1984 ) and why pre-exposure to the context should actually enhance the magnitude of the effect ( Hall and Channell 1985c ) .
11 Such a defamation might cause injury to the business goodwill of the corporation , and ultimately loss to the company 's shareholders through a diminution in turnover and/or profits .
12 Being a Special is unpaid and therefore commitment to the job is all important .
13 Interestingly , Egypt described the Memorandum as changing the United States ' role from one of ‘ partner ’ ( but not party to the Peace Treaty ) to one of ‘ arbiter ’ which it considered inappropriate .
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