Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , the company are to seek sponsorships and would welcome any enquiries now or perhaps at a later date when the industrial climate improves .
2 Many of the debts sued for , all undefended , had been outstanding for three , four , five and six years , or even for a longer period .
3 I have no doubt that the wishes of a 16- or 17-year-old child or indeed of a younger child who is ‘ Gillick competent ’ are of the greatest importance both legally and clinically , but I do doubt whether Thorpe J. was right to conclude that W. was of sufficient understanding to make an informed decision .
4 In 1986 I cultivated new ambitions which took me out of the British orbit and on to a higher plane .
5 So you can look at er communication as relating to overall competence and perhaps at a stronger level than that , you could argue that erm communication determines not only the structure but also the strength and the scope of an organisation , okay ?
6 Also , and perhaps to a greater extent , a man is what he has smelt : later in the novel Raskolnikov gives the police-station smell as the reason for the suspicious circumstance of his fainting , which is neither the whole truth nor a straight lie but the blending of the guilty man with the Poison of the city .
7 O nine O four six four one six four one and perhaps on a lighter note according to speculation in the Yorkshire Post newspaper this morning Gazzer could be heading towards Alan Rhodes .
8 Thus investment in preschool provision and the improved quality of life it bestows may pay good dividends in the shape of calculable beneficial effects on the child 's educational attainments five years hence and perhaps into the longer future .
9 Its usual course flows from above the lorry park , round the trees and down to the lower bridge which marks its normal width .
10 It will bob up and down at a higher rate .
11 A criticism that has been levelled at clinicians in the past is that they are concerned only with the patients they actually see and not with the wider population .
12 For example , a book on Bridges should be entered under Bridges and not under a broader heading such as Engineering , nor doubly under both headings .
13 First is to be contrasted the mortgage and the charge and in this context charge is being used in its technical meaning and not in the broader sense set out at the beginning of this chapter .
14 It was nonetheless held by the majority of the House of Lords that the three year period ran from the date when the workman suffered the injury and not from the earlier date when the manufacturers manufactured the defective machine .
15 The point , which I find persuasive , is that an appeal court which will be less full-time than the Court of Justice will be less imbued with the centralist perspective , and thus in a better position to maintain an objectivity as between the interests of the EEC and those of the nation state .
16 Three , you could arrange payment of the deposit as requested , possibly for a certain period of time and possibly for a smaller amount than demanded , this would no doubt by in the process of the licence .
17 Now it 's perfectly now the cost er the benefits from sort of marketing right to buy is really very , very dubious erm the government has shown time and again that what it takes then gives with one hand , it takes away with another and the costs are obvious , we are fragmenting our housing stock , we are putting it , we are likely to end up with more and more with a higher proportion of poor properties and erm there 's also the risk that if we do really have to be promoting right to buy we 're going to have people who are probably not sure whether they can afford to buy their house or are n't sure whether they even want to buy their house .
18 Maleczek has shown that from Innocent 's sixth year in office , 1203 – 4 , as the reign progressed , the pope worked more and more with a smaller group of cardinals , of whom the key members were Hugolinus , Pelagius and Guala , and there was less consultation of the whole college .
19 All the features of our X-Yachts and more in a roomier boat ideal for family cruising .
20 The situation had then improved , thanks partly to higher priorities for allocations of coal , steel and men to the electricity supply undertakings and partly to the milder weather in the winter of 1947/8 .
21 At the Nez Perce camp on Weippe prairie , and later in the Clearwater valley , the expedition met only kindness and help from the Nez Perce .
22 The decline in hospital orders and the rise of prison sentences are traceable formally to the practice of modern psychiatrists of recommending fewer hospital orders , and in reality to the more restrictive policy on admission to special hospitals being pursued by the DHSS , and also to the higher proportion of defendants who are declared to have ‘ recovered ’ by the time of the trial .
23 As for the mentioned activity , an attempt must be made to understand it in a way consonant with what has been said of contents and objects , that they are not states of affairs or ordinary things , and also with a further fact , that there are various modes of consciousness .
24 These were acknowledged publicly by no less a figure than a former Prime Minister , W.L. MacKenzie King , at the communal celebrations of Lyon 's 60th birthday and his 35th anniversary of engagement in social interests , as well as those of his friend of many years ( to whom Lyon Cohen had diverted the honour of being invited to be the Member of Parliament several years before ) , Sir Samuel W. Jacobs , KC : ‘ Our friend finds himself today , ’ , commented Jacobs , ‘ the acknowledged leader of Jewry in Canada , a position acquired by years of self-denying effort … respected by his own , and also by the larger community in which we dwell . ’
25 This says that ‘ greater freedom of communication by those professional advisers to the regulators might have had a significant effect on subsequent action , and hence on the later course of events ’ .
26 Labour 's promises of a better life depended absolutely and solely on the further success of the global economy further to enrich the people of Britain by means of the same flow of wealth from the poor to the rich of the world .
27 Ainsworth has just published her findings along with another study of the Met 's ‘ Adoration of the Magi ’ formerly attributed to Jerome Bosch , and now to a later follower , in Volume 27 of the Metropolitan Museum 's Journal ( see p. 19 ) .
28 Selling on is an attitude of mind , an attitude whereby you do your customers a favour by selling them more than they ask for , and often at a better price than they expected .
29 The upper levels of the incline were , we believe , supported on foundations deep enough to rest on firm subsoil ; while to reduce the danger of slippage on the slopes and particularly on the steeper embankment at the side , amounts of clay baked on site were mixed with the surface material .
30 And even with a larger army , the Saudis do not seem to think that they would be able to protect themselves .
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