Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] them to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After all , bright children usually expect to succeed , hence success and praise do not surprise them or necessarily raise them to new levels of performance .
2 There is a possibility that transient UOS relaxations may be unusually easy to trigger in some subjects and so predispose them to oesophagopharyngeal reflux .
3 The more recent stress has been on identifying values in the curriculum , and not limiting them to religious or moral education classes .
4 The Labour party 's role should be to bring those matters under democratic control and not to surrender them to remote , unaccountable central bankers .
5 The patient might tell you what if , if the casualty was still able to talk , they might be able to give you the history of how they became like they were , received a blow , got kicked , fell onto something hard , okay and so on and so on , they might be able to tell you themselves , give some indication , right , you would remove and loosen off all tight clothing , okay , loosen off the clothing for them and then treat them for shock and then refer them to urgent medical attention , nil by mouth on any account , okay ?
6 A senior clerk should clear the machines and then reset them to zero at various times during the day .
7 In our one-day workshop , stencil expert Helen Morris , who runs a successful stencil loan service and shop , will teach you how to cut stencils and then apply them to various materials such as walls , fabrics and furniture , using stencil paint , spray paint and crayons .
8 You will have to be ruthless if you find that they do n't press successfully , and either move them to another site in the garden , or give them to someone else .
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