Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] by [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 C. A. Moser in Survey Methods in Social Investigation identifies three sources of bias in sample selection : ( 1 ) the use of a sampling frame which does not cover the population adequately , completely or accurately ; ( 2 ) the use of a ‘ non-random ’ method of sampling , so that the selection of subjects is consciously or unconsciously affected by human judgement ; and ( 3 ) the refusal to co-operate among some segments of the chosen population .
2 They may be openly on display , or totally hidden by pubic hair .
3 First , each mare is encircled , or nearly encircled by tall mountain ranges that could be the remnants of the rim of a large impact basin or the most prominent rim of a multi-ringed basin .
4 14.1 This Agreement may not be assigned or otherwise transferred by any Party in whole or in Party without the express prior written consent of the other Parties .
5 As I stood and watched them pass by I wondered how many of them would be killed or seriously wounded by this time tomorrow afternoon .
6 The concept stemmed from a great warrior of the past and tales of his valour and achievements becoming adorned with colourful details and highly magnified by constant telling .
7 Mobile platforms : Designed for straight vertical access and generally operated by one man .
8 For a while after that , the Scots were satisfied and the English forces discouraged and anyway distracted by domestic politics .
9 effective , permanent , and not beset by secondary effluent problems , a drawback of wet scrubbing and condensation techniques ; but there are disadvantages .
10 Conservationists believe the section of river has a particular geomorphological importance and want it to be allowed to meander naturally and not controlled by artificial flood defences .
11 It does mean that the way in which the case has been handled , the way in which it 's been approached , the cooperation between various departments in a particular office , has been done properly , and if the client has the opportunity of winning , he will win and not lose by sloppy work in his solicitor 's office .
12 Interestingly , they use the same term for aggression as the Buid , but give it precisely the opposite moral evaluation : ‘ A maisug person is combative and not deterred by physical danger and risk , one who has strong feelings and is not afraid to express them …
13 If it is thought that the exclusive jurisdiction of the visitor has outlived its usefulness , which I beg to doubt , then I think that it should be swept away by Parliament and not undermined by judicial review .
14 Originating applications form a residual category , being the appropriate originating process for any proceedings authorised to be brought in a county court and not required by any Act or rule to be commenced otherwise .
15 Great care must be exercised with these core pieces as the material is as brittle as glass and easily broken by careless handling and assembly .
16 If , however , thermal diffusion occurs , without a corresponding concentration diffusion , the particle will be cooled when it is above its equilibrium position and thus surrounded by cooler fluid .
17 She was , as well , a woman above reproach , avoiding involvement in all intrigues , keeping everyone at a distance and thus surrounded by universal esteem .
18 Deviation is managed and progressively denied by continual renegotiation of the social reality against which it is set off .
19 However , despite my indignation about the ignorant handling of the ceramics section , I came away excited and deeply impressed by this show which should not be missed by anyone interested in modern art .
20 Meanwhile , assisted and deliberately encouraged by various tax remissions , an increasing number of people are covered , to an increasing extent , by non-state pension schemes , many of which provide benefits well above subsistence .
21 Access to the island is permitted and usually made by hired boat from Tarbet across the Sound of Handa ; to avoid disappointment , visits should be pre-arranged .
22 There is no consensus on this , but in broad terms there is a concern to water down , or phase out , the hereditary element in favour of elected members representing " interests " or regions and possibly chosen by proportional representation .
23 All the same , her protests went unheeded , and each day that passed she could see Matthew becoming more and more influenced by old Luther .
24 The head of state is the President , who since 1976 has been nominated by the congress of the ruling National Liberation Party ( FLN ) and formally elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term .
25 Many conservation programmes in lesser developed countries have been initiated , financed and partly staffed by foreign aid donors , both multilateral and bilateral ( of which by far the most important financially and intellectually has been USAID ) .
26 The EC had moved toward a more flexible position in October when the German cabinet agreed that subsidies to farmers could be reduced and partly replaced by direct income support .
27 However , over a period of time , and partly encouraged by urban planning policies , commuter villages have grown up at greater distances from the cities .
28 But the Congress in its present form dates back to Mikhail Gorbachev 's ; it was not elected by general suffrage , but ( on behalf of the whole of what was still the Soviet Union ) partly elected on a local basis and partly nominated by special interest groups .
29 Particularly interesting is the system of ditched sub-rectangular land allotments visible alongside Ermine Street and the associated streets and droveways and also located by geophysical survey .
30 It leads only to the Charles Inglis Clark mountain hut , a prestigious private hut owned by the Scottish Mountaineering Club and hence frequented by respectable rock-climbing doctors , lawyers and accountants .
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