Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] [noun pl] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But experts warned computer users that Friday 13th viruses are only a tiny proportion of the 30 or so known types of virus which exist , and that they would be wise to keep taking precautions .
2 ‘ Just how long can he continue to draw on the northern W.C. subculture to fuel his quill or equally abused topics of consternation ?
3 ‘ It pains me that the public hold chemical company executives in no higher esteem than estate agents , lawyers or even sitting members of Parliament ’ .
4 When he started writing , it was the fashion to pretend that they were happy shepherds and shepherdesses , who were always dancing , or anyhow had hearts of gold .
5 In the 1970s a small number of feminist critics accused most of these influential and widely cited texts of sexism , ( targets included A. Campbell et al , The American Voter ; G. Almond and S. Verba , The Civic Culture ; R. Lane , Political Life ; R. A. Dahl , Who Governs ? ) .
6 Regular , well-organised and properly established channels of communication between the different agencies need to be set up and maintained , both on a case-by-case basis and at a higher managerial level .
7 It was not fun enough for the fans , nor artistic enough for the art loving public ( or so it seemed from the vulgar poster and catalogue ; actually , it contained some wonderful and rarely seen pieces of silver ) .
8 Each has been trying to outbid the rest in an attempt to gain market share and so exploit economies of scale .
9 Idealism , and the quest for action , drove him to change regiments and branches of the service , and so lose chances of promotion beyond the rank of subaltern .
10 Maybe deficiency of income affects health ; but so do housing and the environment , and so do conditions of employment .
11 Evidence from the results of parallel tests with questions differing only in the numbers used showed that test results for individuals can be variable and so produce misclassifications of mastery .
12 More significant though was a displacement into , a condensation within , the homosexual of a whole range of political fears and anxieties made possible by existing and long established representations of homosexuality :
13 Where one particular elite ( or elite coalition ) has a stranglehold on political power , it is common to find increased governmental inertia , conservative leadership , networks of nepotism and patronage , and generally rising levels of corruption , as some observers suggested was true ofthe French Fifth Republic between 1958 and 1981 , and may still be true of contemporary Italy .
14 Many critics of the encouragement provided until recently by the UK 's investment grants system in LFAs argue that farmers have been converting increasing areas of moorland and roughland to grass leys ( attracting substantial grants and more HLCAs ) while neglecting pastures previously improved and not maintaining standards of husbandry and land management .
15 Table 1 gives the results of the analysis of 105 neuritic plaques in stained tissue from the temporal cortex and hippocampus of five clinically and pathologically characterized cases of AD and two aged controls , and shows that less than 10% of plaque cores contain aluminium deposits , which are usually co-localized with silicon .
16 The embedded figures test , which highlights these factors , has been used in a wide range of cross-cultural situations to support research work , and broadly differentiates types of perception arising within different cultures .
17 Schmitter contrasts the voluntary , competitive , non-hierarchically ordered and self-determined interest groups of pluralist systems with the compulsory , non-competitive , hierarchically ordered and functionally differentiated organizations of corporatism .
18 Mortadella is the most popular Italian example of the scalded sausages ; it is usually very large and always contains chunks of fat in the smooth meat paste .
19 What delight to behave really badly and still get loads of sympathy !
20 ( This is especially true when the ideology in question has the doctrinaire , dogmatic and collectively oriented features of Marxism . )
21 In the Summer Term of 1989 the LEA published and distributed a short booklet ( Leeds City Council 1989e ) which was ‘ intended to help parents to appreciate what constitutes the best primary school practice and also to highlight aspects of education that the Authority wishes to promote ’ .
22 Just a willingness to be available for a few hours to suit you — within an agreed rota — to walk around the reserve helping people enjoy their visit and also avoiding problems of pressure on sensitive reserve areas . ’
23 At a simple and obvious level , he argued fairly recently ( 1973 : 491 ) that they served to satisfy our innate desire for regularity and symmetry , and also permitted effects of relief and surprise through contrast .
24 The evening of talented entertainment was hilarious and also included shafts of criticism expressed in humour that struck me as evidence of CA 's basic good health .
25 She uses her silk to line the walls and also to bind particles of soil together into a circular lid three-quarters of an inch across .
26 So if you think about it a therapeutic group could certainly use suggestive therapy like hypnosis and my guess is that most successful groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or groups of people who wan na stop smoking or do slimming and things like that succeed for that reason , cos every member of the group reinforces every other member with a kind of group super ego and says look , you must n't smoke , you must n't drink , you must n't put on weight and it , it reinforces every individual 's erm super ego by means of identification with the shared value of the group and similarly reduces feelings of shame and guilt if the individual fails the group , cos next week when they come back they say oh dear , I 've put on five pounds , erm that they 're gon na feel bad about it because it offends against the ideal of the of the group if it 's Weight Watchers or something .
27 He was met on the platform in the early hours of the morning by Minton and Henrietta , both looking very ill and both clutching bottles of whisky .
28 This helps to ensure the smooth working of the machinery by settling issues informally and clearly establishing areas of agreement and disagreement .
29 This moral incongruency can draw attention to , and throw light upon , the very process of moralizing and the role of literature therein ; which indeed are themselves well evidenced and clearly focused aspects of twelfth- to fourteenth- century intellectual speculation .
30 So far their reaction to the take-over has been loudly-voiced support , and angrily expressed sentiments of violence , but no violence itself .
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