Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 one critical detail to observe , no matter whether we are raw novice , or long experienced and that is safety Always remember that your lines can conduct electricity , cut skin , trip passers-by , or generally cause mayhem with grass mower blades .
2 Many parents have no-one who can care for their young children , whether they are of preschool age or just require supervision during school holidays .
3 Or just pass time of day .
4 Some are as much as five feet high , and the floor is pierced , whether for libations to the dead or just to prevent accumulation of rain-water .
5 There is also the safety aspect : if you have bad lighting or dangerously worn carpet on part of the staircase , waiting for a few years to tackle the problem because it is all part of the grand plan could prove very false economy indeed .
6 knitted directly to cast on edge or directly to last row of knitting
7 The difficulty factors can operate as foci for teaching : pupils ' search strategies , their competence in interpretation and in calculation may separately or collectively need attention in order to improve performance .
8 Honeymoon and silver anniversary couples staying 5 nights or more receive dinner on arrival and a complimentary gondola ride .
9 Applied to the artists showing at Brussels , the term could have no very definite meaning , and Apollinaire found it hard to identify many specific characteristics shared by the painters , or even to distinguish Cubism from Fauvism : ‘ One feature unites them , for if the principal merit of the painters who have been called the Fauves was the return to fundamental principles as far as colour and composition are concerned , the Cubists , in order to extend yet further the province of an art thus renewed , have sought to return to basic principles of drawing and inspiration .
10 They did not understand the nature of honour or how to win glory in battle .
11 The penis as sales tool , or how to get head in advertising : right , the creamiest milk chocolate advert in the world and , left , a lipstick that any man would be proud of
12 Or else led step by step down the long stairs
13 He travelled to and from home alone , and soon he decided to eat a few buns in the classroom while reading Jefferies , or else to have lunch outside school .
14 On the hearing of the appeal the court ordered that there be no identification of W. , any institution or establishment where she was residing or being educated and any natural person having or prospectively having day to day care of her or of any material calculated to lead to her identification .
15 … ( 6 ) In this section ‘ costs ’ means costs as between party and party , and includes the costs of applying for an order under this section ; and where a party begins to receive representation after the proceedings have been instituted , or ceases to receive representation before they are finally decided or otherwise receives representation in connection with part only of the proceedings , the reference in subsection ( 2 ) above to the costs incurred by the unassisted party in the proceedings shall be construed as a reference to so much of those costs as is attributable to that part .
16 Thus , firms can reward their staff by setting up bonus schemes related to the firm 's profits or otherwise relating pay to performance ; and ( 2 ) just as the partners will wish to impose restraint covenants upon themselves ( see Chapter 8 ) to prevent an outgoing partner damaging the continuing practice by setting up in competition thereto , so in the case of salaried partners , assistant solicitors and other key members of staff their terms of employment should include similar restrictionssimilar , but not necessarily identical .
17 ( 2 ) The Director may by notice in writing require the person whose affairs are to be investigated ( ‘ the person under investigation ’ ) or any other person whom he has reason to believe has relevant information to answer questions or otherwise furnish information with respect to any matter relevant to the investigation at a specified place and either at a specified time or forthwith .
18 The applicant sought judicial review of the decison of the Director of the Serious Fraud Office on 26 June 1991 , in the course of criminal proceedings against the applicant , to seek to enforce his compliance with the requirement contained in a notice issued pursuant to section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 to attend at her offices and answer questions or otherwise furnish information in respect of her investigation of the applicant alone , afer she had caused him to be interviewed under caution on three occasions and thereafter charged him with an offence , at a time when and in circumstances whereby ( a ) the applicant 's application for legal aid had not yet been granted and he had neither legal advice nor legal representation available to him ; ( b ) the Director had stated that she would not cause the applicant to be further cautioned in compliance with Code C , paragraph 16.5 of the current Codes of Practice issued pursuant to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 .
19 Business hospitality When business is done and the meeting concluded , nothing revives the hardworking executive like a glass of Scotch … and when it 's time to seal the deal with valued clients , there is no more fitting toast nor better appreciated mark of esteem than to offer the noble spirit .
20 The concept of authoritarian population implies , for Jessop et al. , a monolithic , relatively stable and widely supported form of government .
21 That is , they were more highly concentrated in the older staple industries which were in acute and widely recognized need of restructuring , the labour shortage was most acute in some of the highly skilled sectors of these very industries , and their loss would be acutely felt , at least in the short term .
22 Dominant social ideology , reinforced by traditional Christian teaching , makes the assumption that sex is primarily for procreation and not recreation , and this places sex outside the moral boundaries of many older people , for whom there is still a strong and widely held link between sex and immorality , the belief that sex is wrong or indecent .
23 Peru is suffering from two epidemics : one is the recent and widely reported outbreak of cholera which has infected over 200,000 people .
24 I risked another Middleditch and luckily caught Bunny at home .
25 Directly or indirectly we could ‘ ask ’ him/her , but our requirement is that an observer acting at a distance can observe what a pupil does and thence infer satisfaction in response .
26 Insisting that religious faith must be absolutely certain and secure , it decides that history can never provide such security and thereby loses interest in history altogether .
27 When designing your garden , plan to include shrubs like pyracantha and Berberis darwinii that give flowers all year round and thereby provide food for wildlife .
28 ( 4 ) Newco exchanges contracts for the acquisition of Target , and thereby obtains control of Target , by virtue of its contractual entitlement to acquire control as determined by s416(2) Taxes Act .
29 The Danish government successfully sponsored a proposal originating with US conservationist groups , but opposed by the US government , to list the black bear in Appendix II and thereby limit trade in bear gall bladders ( which , like rhino horn and other exotic products , were used in oriental traditional medicine ) .
30 First , it provided a most favourable environment for the development of capitalism — a stable , well-organized political system , with a rational and effectively administered body of law , especially in so far as it related to property and contracts .
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