Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm thinking actually of here in the university itself , we 've got three different groups in those areas that are now collaborating , and I think we 've got a good chance of _ especially in the area of schools curricula — but also in the area , I think , of helping business people , and I 'm thinking now of senior management , who might be your and my age , Brian , for whom computers did n't exist when we went through university or college , erm who 've probably more or less given up any hope of understanding it and understanding the computer boffins who have taken over — almost taken over the company at times , one suspects .
2 Even if the Z88 is asleep , it will wake every minute or so to carry out various housekeeping tasks ( checking the alarms , for example ) .
3 And er I told them that er I was n't p p p prepared er because they was there during the day as well , it did n't used to across to catch the school bus , and be half a dozen or so come back next door , and stop there till about twenty past three then go back , come back over as if he 's got out the bus .
4 They may sit around watching their child play but only say something when the child starts to misbehave ; injunctions not to do something or to be careful or not to make so much noise focus on control issues only .
5 It seems the original X Consortium , scheduled to get a new director in January and slowly dissociate itself from MIT over the next year , is n't evolving fast enough into a fleet-footed marketing vehicle or even churning out saleable technology quickly enough to suit everybody .
6 We can only guess whether inter-racial bickering — or even rows over bad food ! — might explain such a bizarre two days ' events .
7 And I think that the revolution in history which has taken place over the course of the last twenty-five years has been a revolution which has been fuelled by people 's curiosity to study things which previously had not been studied , rather than just to take some formal statement of what seemed to be important , which is what the chroniclers took , or some propaganda statement , which is what the Tudors took and what the seventeenth century historians took , or indeed to write very academic history , which is what professional historians have tended to do , over the course of the last erm forty or fifty years .
8 No form of argument or persuasion is allowed ( eg criticism of the target 's board ) and the buyer ( and its advisers ) may not make any statement or otherwise make public any information in connection with the tender offer which is not already contained in the tender offer advertisement itself .
9 The purpose of this Study Group is to provide a forum for the presentation and active criticism of research , to promote contact between those of similar views , and thereby to encourage still further research and dissemination of results , amongst interested specialists.It is expected that the activities of the Study group will generate many papers of publishable quality .
10 Moreover , criteria such as ‘ fraud ’ or ‘ exercise of authority ’ are exceedingly vague and arguably provide too much scope for judicial interpretation .
11 And that 's what causes tragic failures like Matthew Smith and Augustus John — they 've done the Paris rat and they live ever after in the shadow of Gauguin and Matisse or whoever it may be — just as G.P. says he once lived under the shadow of Braque and suddenly woke up one morning to realize that all he had done for five years was a lie , because it was based on Braque 's eyes and sensibilities and not his own .
12 It was not outsiders who began and brutally carried on this war .
13 During the Hussite period the church was used as a meat store and so suffered relatively little damage .
14 However , these two commanders also remained at sea throughout the landings and so had as little idea as Hamilton of what was going forward .
15 This Livebearer can be quite a fighter and so keep just one male with a few females .
16 Since the economy will tend automatically to its ‘ natural rate of unemployment ’ , any increase in government spending will increase the demand for money and so crowd out private spending through rising interest rates .
17 Much to my shame I knew nothing of the Cambrian Railways as most of my interest up to then had been in the Southern Railways and to a greater extent industrial railways , and so decided that much research was necessary , which along with the commencement of renovations will form part of our next episode : - ‘ A NEW STATION IN LIFE ’ .
18 The Baden region is well to the south of Germany 's more famous wine areas , and so receives far more sunshine , giving the growers greater flexibility in what kinds of wine they can make .
19 If desired , further measurement can be obtained from this ; for example , we can measure the dispersion of a frequency distribution of sentence length , and so determine how far complexity tends to vary from one sentence to another .
20 GeoRef assigns more subject headings for each record , and so has potentially higher recall by subject search .
21 GeoRef assigns more subject headings for each record , and so has potentially higher recall by subject search .
22 Wood is also a good insulator and so makes more economic sense if you intend heating the greenhouse during the winter .
23 It uses a line electron source and so needs only one deflection component .
24 Although the peroxide instrument uses two channels to yield data on both total concentrations of peroxides and concentrations with hydrogen peroxide removed enzymatically , we have reservations about the performance of the second channel and so report only total peroxide concentrations , which we suppose to consist primarily of hydrogen peroxide plus some methylhydroperoxide ( CH 3 OOH ) .
25 In fact the general health of the Sherpa people has improved so much that they 're experiencing a population explosion and so need more arable land at the expense of forests .
26 Curiously , the latter versions are unloadable and so offer slightly less protection .
27 As successive batches of immigrants strove to carve out their own territories and perhaps take over existing farm and hunting lands by force , the already established settlers built impressive hill-forts to watch over their possessions and shelter people and livestock in time of emergency .
28 The agreement will usually contain provisions requiring the acquirer to notify any events which may give rise to claims as soon as possible and to allow the seller to investigate and perhaps handle any third party claim .
29 He does not , however , explain why the causal influence of the forces of production is always , and necessarily , greater than that of individuals , and only takes up this point in a second argument , in which he shifts from the discussion of character traits to consider the role played by individuals of extraordinary talent .
30 The East German power station of Janschwalde burns 30 million tonnes of coal per year and annually emits as much sulphur dioxide as Sweden .
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