Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] was the [adj] place " in BNC.

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1 It was still my task to fight for the present , although that task was becoming less appropriate daily , and to maintain the status quo which I had made for myself , and which was the only place where I belonged .
2 Hans and he had spent the last winter in Nice and it was the only place he wanted to avoid ; the memories were still too painful .
3 Er but she 's a member and we went there for lunch and it was the ideal place , you know , cos there were n't any , many people around and so we had quite a nice lunch and erm whilst we were there we then had a drink in er in the bar and erm her the , the secretary of the club , a lady , came to talk to Barbara and she mentioned that she 'd seen her on Blind Date you see , and so I got to know more by listening to them two speaking er and er that 's where I learnt about er that .
4 That was where he was herding them , and it was the last place she felt like going , especially now .
5 I did n't really know them — I 'd been too shy to make friends with them , although I was interested in their work — but it was the only place I could think of .
6 This was going to cause more problems than she 'd thought , but it was the first place to try .
7 But it was the first place they 'd owned together , after years of managing hotels for other people . ’
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