Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] is [vb pp] that it " in BNC.

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1 The extent to which these problems will be tolerated , and the measures adopted for dealing with them , will vary from school to school , and it is accepted that it would be impossible to lay down precise rules about the steps to be taken .
2 Your Board is confident that the plan for restructuring the Group will result in a more streamlined , flexible and dynamic organisation and it is intended that it be carried through as fast as possible .
3 They modernised the mill and it is believed that it became the first in Britain to make paper from wood , ie : the first Natron-cellulose pulp mill in Europe .
4 Nevertheless , the pilot study is to be expanded to areas outside the north east and it is hoped that it will eventually be used to help with funding applications , and provide statistical data for the press .
5 The world 's governments will meet in Rome this December for the first global food conference for nearly 20 years , and it is hoped that it will produce the nutritional blueprint for the next century .
6 Bray has always been proud of its association with Dargan and the weekend seminar which has been organised by the Council is an attempt to honour this great man and it is hoped that it will become an annual event .
7 Yet , despite the difference , the attractions of marriage for women in both groups comes through clearly ; it both symbolizes and constitutes the movement from adolescence to full adulthood ; it means independence from the family of origin ; and it is hoped that it will be financially advantageous .
8 Following the recent House of Lords decision of Pepper v Hart [ 1992 ] STC 898 it is possible to refer to Hansard in certain circumstances and it is felt that it is proper to refer to the relevant Hansard to discover who the individual is referred to in the provisions .
9 What is now being sought is , in a sense , a reversal of that development , in a particular type of case ; and it is said that it is too late to take that step .
10 ‘ Although this is not binding upon your Lordships , the United Kingdom is , of course , a party to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and it is urged that it is at least desirable that the domestic law of the United Kingdom should accord with the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights under the Convention .
11 And it is submitted that it will be void even against a subsequent chargee who has notice .
12 Though this project is principally concerned with the city of Edinburgh its relevance is much wider , to British cities in general and it is expected that it will demonstrate how land-owners , builders , house factors and other interests in property were able to control the pace and pattern of urban development largely to their own ends without recognising the long term consequences for the physical shape and quality of the housing and building stock and its long term impact on modern society in terms of street lay outs , maintenance and repairs , and the availability of open spaces .
13 One unit was composed of many more buildings than the others and it is suggested that it represents a social difference with specialist activities taking place there .
14 As far as the exemption in s103(3) is concerned , " arrangement " is again widely defined as any agreement , scheme or arrangement and it is thought that it must be the case that at least part , if not the whole , of the consideration for the shares allotted is the transfer of the shares in the other company ( ie the target ) .
15 This mental health orientation leads to a more pessimistic outlook on patient needs — they not only require treatment , but it is assumed that it must be compulsory — and there is a tendency towards a ‘ presumption of risk ’ — that the presence of mental illness makes the situation inherently risky .
16 No charging policy has yet been decided , but it is hoped that it would not be priced above the means of researchers and educational establishments .
17 As eating-time continues , the body sends out more and more satiety signals , but it is estimated that it takes about twenty minutes for a meal to have its full effect in filling our stomachs and sending out all the other physical signals of sufficiency .
18 At present the crèche operates during term time only but it is envisaged that it will eventually open outside term , subject to demand .
19 At present the crèche operates during term time only but it is envisaged that it will eventually open outside term , subject to demand .
20 The scent trail of the ant is released as a liquid ( which evaporates ) on the ground ; but it is known that it is perceived by scent rather than taste .
21 Schroeder however does appear to equate unreasonableness with oppression but it is suggested that it was not laying down any principle to that effect : it so happened that on the facts in that case unreasonableness and oppression both existed .
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