Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] have [adv] be [det] " in BNC.

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1 It 's same as , what ow she 's gone into hospital with her , you know , and I 'd actually been that day , you know what I mean , I do n't mind , do n't get me wrong , I 'm not cross , 'cos I do n't mind .
2 And she had never been that .
3 He admitted the party and individual MPs received a total of nearly £38,000 , but insisted it was all legal and there had never been any attempt to favour the pachinko industry in parliament .
4 As a result , overall our sales were down , roughly in line with our competitors in the oil service industry , but there was continuing pressure on margins and profitability and there had obviously been some build-up on the international side in anticipation of higher sales .
5 There is no doubt tremendous strides have been made in certain sections of the North 's economy but that progress has been partial and there have also been many setbacks .
6 And there have never been any pressures . ’
7 To be sure , I have had to deal with various phenomena and minister to those who have experienced them , and there have certainly been some chilling moments , but in general a ghost would have to flay me alive with its chains before I raised an eyebrow at the possibility of its presence .
8 Nastily , she said , and he had never been that before .
9 And it had all been such a long time ago !
10 and it 's just been another seven years you 've been able to work
11 ‘ And at times it has almost seemed as if everyone has had something to say about me , and it has often been those people who have never read The Satanic Verses who have had the most to say .
12 I could see a barge or something out there in the middle of the Thames but I 've never been much good with boats .
13 But I 've never been this close before … ’
14 But there had also been this other vision — of the ‘ green wood full of primroses ’ — which he had glimpsed through a hole in the wall , and which promised all the things which Lewis and Greeves had come to label ‘ It ’ or ‘ Joy ’ .
15 But there had never been any attempt to align other CSE grades to O level grades and it was no part of the assumptions of the dual system that someone who failed O level ( below grade E ) was of ‘ average ’ ability ( CSE grade 4 ) .
16 ‘ Correct ’ treatment of prisoners had always been acknowledged , but there had never been any mention of civilian suits or bottles of whisky .
17 Carson said that in theory his own place was within the flood basin , but there had never been any trouble as long as he 'd lived there ; places right on the towpath used to get flooded regularly when the tide was high .
18 Whether the costs savings are very considerable is hard to say but there have undoubtedly been some sayings ; what is clear , however , is that costs have been whittled down and that this has had a widespread effect on the production of newspapers in Britain .
19 OK , so the Prince and Princess of Wales may have separated , house prices might have plummeted and Luton Town have been relegated — but there have still been some fantastic technological and social advances in the past 12 months .
20 ‘ Sexuality ’ has in many ways been most resistant to this challenge , precisely because its power seems to derive from our biological being , but there have recently been several sustained challenges to sexual essentialism , from quite different theoretical approaches : the interactionist ( associated particularly with the work of Gagnon and Simon , and in Britain Kenneth Plummer ) ; the psychoanalytic ( associated with the reinterpretation of Freud initiated by Jacques Lacan , and taken up by feminist writers such as Juliet Mitchell ) ; and the discursive , taking as its starting point the work of Michel Foucault .
21 Well there 's certainly been one element of the the input to the preparation of the structure plan , but there has also been some independent view on the the capacity and the the environmental problems that individual districts across North Yorkshire and West Yorkshire have in their ability to accommodate development , and on the pressure and the problems that those pressures of development will have on those individual districts , bearing in mind the environmental constraints identified both in National and in the Secretary of State 's previous approval of the structure plan .
22 But there has already been some progress in this direction .
23 League secretary Mike Foster said : ‘ There 's been a little bit of manoeuvring — but there has never been any doubt that it was going to be signed . ’
24 Osnafeld is a British subject , a financier of sorts who has sailed very close to the wind on a number of occasions , but there has never been enough evidence to proceed against him .
25 Tapping his cheese knife in rhythm on the edge of the table , Martin said , ‘ I do n't know whether you 've noticed , but there 's never been much love lost between your mother and me .
26 But there 's never been much interest around here .
27 The department of health has been recommending early penicillin treatment in meningitis cases since nineteen eighty eight , but there 's never been any evidence that it works , until now .
28 For years , the Tory Government has gone on about freedom of choice in education but it has only been those with money who have had any real choice .
29 But it 's always been that way .
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