Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [is] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 you 're visiting a War or MOD Disablement Pensioner who is being treated for the disablement he or she is getting the pension for or
2 Since 1979 , the Government has taken three measures to lower the replacement ratio — that is , to increase the gap between a person 's income when in work compared with when he or she is drawing the dole .
3 ‘ IBM needs to make something happen with OS/2 2.1 , or it 's facing the possibility of being a niche product for a very long time . ’
4 ‘ Well — suppose they 're not your clubs at all — or he 's nicked the putter ? ’
5 Choreographers should understand that counting beats or what is called the measure of the music is not dance rhythm .
6 90 minutes to curtain-up and no-one 's feeling the pressure more , than the team backstage .
7 And who 's bearing the cost of the delay , the two hundred million ?
8 Meet the milkman who runs a hundred and fifty miles a week delivering pintas … and who 's representing the country in the ultra marathon !
9 This will state clearly what services are to be provided , who is doing what and when , and who is to co-ordinate the plan .
10 At this stage management needs to determine how the data will be stored and who is to co-ordinate the process .
11 Explanations for these conditions vary according to the type of depression under examination and who is doing the categorizing .
12 And who is to run the result ?
13 And she 's throwing the teddy out .
14 Rosemary Shergold is waging a constant battle against the tobacco companies , and she 's enlisted the help of Oxford East MP Andrew Smith .
15 And she was going through and she knew them and er she was going into I it was her second year bio-chemistry exams on the bus and she 's got a bi a text book on bio-chemistry and she 's reading the introduction bit before you even get into proper bio-chemistry and Michael s look leant across and said , what on earth are you doing ?
16 She says people should look up to men of the cloth , and she 's told the vicar he 's a disgrace to his profession .
17 And she 's tipping the chalk out and she said what 's that , oh that 's the phone , under the table , pulled the rocking horse out .
18 I ca n't believe it — you know , the way both of them are just being so normal like , and she 's twisting the neck of this duck and killing it .
19 Aleena 's a serious kid and she 's learned the lesson . ’
20 Since considerations of probability are to the fore in one part of actual scientific practice bearing on causation , and there is little attempt to go beyond them , and there is to hand the Probability Calculus , we are invited to take it that causation can come to no more than probability .
21 But it 's now back to half past two till half past four and whoever 's playing the dame arrived just in front of us
22 ‘ Lord , there is one ruler over all the known worlds , and he is called the Emperor .
23 Tod is conducting a long argument , and he is telling the truth , but the invisible people who might hear and judge luckily refuse to believe him and turn away in silence , weariness and disgust .
24 He is working on a scheme with the National Federation of WI to organise a competition to celebrate next year 's 75th anniversary by offering 10 telecottages as prizes for its 9,000 branches and he is hoping the WI will establish a pilot telecottage near its college in Denman , Oxfordshire .
25 Hugh will be accompanied by a 30-foot safety boat , and he is making the journey , which he estimates will take him about ten hours , in a standard sea kayak , and he is due in around 4.30 this afternoon .
26 Boltanski photographed each of 143 pupils when he visited London in September and he is testing the way in which art is created by its context by also sending the portraits to the pupils ' parents in return for the fee which would have been charged by the school photographer .
27 For now Andrew Saxton continues to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and he 's hoping the decision will be reversed before the event starts .
28 There 's aids and he 's chasing the bum and the bum 's running and the aids is going come on you little bastard and he 's going leave me alone and so he runs up a tree and there 's a bird there and he 's got all bones on him , he 's a s witch doctor and the bird goes , and the bird goes , what 's a matter ?
29 He 's undergoing laser treatment but as everybody will point out to you , when he 's in the Tardis and he 's operating the computer , even with his glasses on , he 's reading it like this .
30 It annoys him because his best pyjamas are here and he 's seeing the specialist
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