Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [vb -s] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 More difficult to assess is the toxic reaction of an odour , that is an effect ‘ which may influence survival or which produces unfavourable changes in the gross and microscopic appearance of organs or tissues or in the entire organism ’ .
2 For someone suffering from addiction there is no such thing as free choice : he or she gets unconditional damage from the addictive use of drugs or alcohol .
3 All too easily , he or she forms subjective opinions about the relative sales potential of different territories , but lacks an objective framework for setting sales quotas .
4 In these circumstances the analyst can not help becoming involved , particularly if he or she has elderly relatives in similar situations , and it is sometimes difficult to retain objectivity .
5 The end result of this case is that the police have a power to enter and search any premises for the purpose of recapturing a person unlawfully at large , provided he or she has reasonable grounds for believing that the person is on those premises ( s. 17(1) ( d ) & ( 2 ) of PACE and that they have the power to use reasonable force in effecting entry and arresting the person sought ( s.117 of PACE ) .
6 ( c ) Anyone who has committed an arrestable offence or he has reasonable grounds for suspecting has committed an arrestable offence .
7 We have received recently , from the Department of Transport , a consultation document which is the result of negotiations with the European Commission officials and which proposes certain relaxations in the proposed legislation .
8 The centre has implemented a policy which is non-discriminatory in terms of access to its provision and which ensures equal opportunities for all candidates to achieve awards .
9 ‘ At this early stage positive intervention , while not easy and which demands sensitive work with child and parent or parent substitutes , can succeed .
10 There is a large continuous open reading frame which predicts a 723 amino acid protein of molecular mass 81,524 daltons , and which shows extensive homology to human SSRP1 and the mouse T160 protein .
11 Kapuscinski is a seeker of general truths who is sparing with his generalisations , and who likes certain kinds of particularity but not others .
12 If a man who is a diabetic and who has arterial disease to the extent that this plaintiff had , is severely injured so that life is much more difficult to bear than otherwise it would have been , a defendant is in my view , quite unable , with justification , to say that a reduction in damages should thereby be brought about .
13 The detailed administration of applications is handled by a full-time Modular Admissions Officer who draws on clerical support from within the Registry and who makes substantial use of the central computer services .
14 I was talking to Mrs the other day , down the road , she 's had , she had er back problem and she gets terrible trouble at night , sleeping
15 ‘ — And she says dreadful things to you in front of the whole class and makes you feel really stupid , ’ continued Maud .
16 She makes negative prints and she manipulates photographic materials with acid .
17 Susan uses me for the first person pronoun [ G2 ] , and unmarked past tense [ G4 ] in tell , see , pick and run , and she has initial /t/ in ting , " thing " [ P17 ] .
18 Maureen says her priority for homes is comfort and light — her own abode is a ‘ mixture of old and new ’ — and she champions individual taste over trendiness .
19 She sets them against us , and she puts strange ideas in their heads .
20 And she gives extra points for presentation .
21 Very little fresh food is delivered in Montparnasse and one keeps open house on bread , cheese and fragments . ’
22 Professor Hoskins saw little in the modern development of the English landscape that filled him with pleasure and one has great sympathy for his feelings .
23 Once a week ministers will get their intelligence summary in the ‘ Red Book ’ , all the trouble spots in the world , and one pays clever people like you to actually sit there and be plugged in as best one can to the trouble spots , with much better sources of information than the poor old chap in the street , to alert ministers on our behalf of potential disasters .
24 He is a deeply spiritual man — that is part of his attraction — and he shows true concern for others .
25 He does so in writing , and he gives written notice to the bank as required by section 136 of the Law of Property Act 1925 .
26 On big match days such as today Croke Park becomes his stage , and he gives full range to his many and varied skills .
27 Nice chap and he teaches creative writing in Glasgow , used to be a teacher then a teacher trainer and then I think took early retirement and he does this but made the point that he simply uses it for extra income for pleasure and interest as opposed I suppose to a way of writing you know so
28 Opinion polls suggested throughout the campaign that Labour would have stood a better chance with the Scottish lawyer at the helm , and he has powerful support on the backbenches , especially among fellow Scots .
29 ( a ) He can arrest where he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that an arrestable offence has been committed and he has reasonable grounds for suspecting the person to be guilty of the offence .
30 Messrs Lee and Lee welcome the prospect of Mr Patten 's appointment : the Democrat on the grounds that ‘ he is not just another appeasing sinologist from the Foreign Office ; the conservative because ‘ he carries more weight than the others mentioned , and he has direct access to No 10 ’ .
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