Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [verb] to [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 and I says to him that 's one thing you never get at that , that one at Top Shop
2 er , now he does n't like to talk about it you see , and I said to him one day look Paul for god sake , oh , he 'll tell his mum , but he does n't like to talk about it to me
3 And I said to him last night
4 and I said to her one night , and we bought those bags of sweets , it was ninety nine pee for about forty
5 Ho how can you , going to be , to do that , I mean right you 're a poor peasant and I explain to you all the benefits of land reform , what are you gon na say to me ?
6 In this short piece we draw together the main themes which recur through the various contributions and which seem to us important .
7 Three a year which was very nice and er oh well whilst I was there , you see , erm I landed up in , in Peel because I was going on a and she said to me one day this Miss er what are you doing today ?
8 Well , there were n't so many old people then when we came here we were classed as one of the oldest people because er they were all very young people and you were talking about Dame Leah Manning and she came to me one day and she said we 're going to have a problem on the town because it 's a very young town .
9 Penelope Fitzgerald is Edmund 's daughter and she brings to them all , therefore , the quickened sympathy of family feeling , as well as of her own memories .
10 And say he 's round about the fortyish age and we spoke to him last week and I said you got a job yet ?
11 This is when I was pregnant went to put my name down on the housing list and they said to me sorry you ca n't we 've got too many people on there already .
12 Anyway when the time came to , to , to stop off for short time everybody had had their turn except the union president and myself and he came to me this foreman and he said er , now John I do n't want you to think what happened between me and you will make any difference about being sent back for .
13 Because erm Derek was looking for a supervisor and he said to me one day in a moment of desperation he said who can I make up ?
14 And he sa and he said to me one day , are you fucking deaf !
15 At this time ( the late 1970s ) , I was teaching courses in the sociology of deviance to degree and social work students , and it seemed to me that certain key ideas and insights from this work could usefully be applied to the study of child abuse .
16 My brother had enlisted in the Grenadier Guards , and was at Camberley , but my mother and sister were still in Merstham ; and it seemed to me that , in the event of a German landing , for which Churchill had alerted the public , a place as safe as any would be my Wiltshire village of Seend , where there was a delightful little Guest House , kept by a Mrs Earle .
17 As a non-philosopher I always used to find that slightly depressing statement that of Eyre 's about beauty , and it seemed to me that one could immediately follow that by saying just because there 's a word for it maybe you have it because you like it and you want to use it and is n't that self-validating in a sense .
18 As a non-philosopher I always used to find that a slightly depressing statement , that of Ayer 's about beauty , and it seemed to me that one could perhaps immediately follow that by saying ‘ Just because there 's a word for it maybe , you have it because you like it and you want to use it and is n't that self- validating in a sense ? ’
19 understand why all the agencies involved identify four in those circumstances I think in R A Southern Water district to themselves , because we 've got that information repeated across the county erm and it seemed to me important that erm somebody er accepted responsibility for taking an overall view of the circumstances to er merely because of course we can only concern ourselves with manmade er circumstances rather than er erm but I think you know members would agree that as a strategic planning authority , we appear to be the only auth er the only body which can erm in the cold light of day we view the circumstances look at the implications for strategic planning and local planning and the suggestion of those developments and obviously that would be a concern to us and er I felt and I have to that it is an area of responsibility erm which er within the of this
20 Now at that time the Scottish National Party was the only other party in Scotland advocating what we were advocating ( though obviously going much further ) and it seemed to me crazy to be competing with them for devolutionary votes .
21 He also remembered the look of the adjustable spanner , and it seemed to him appropriate that having been knocked down with a spanner his whole body was now apparently being alternately wrenched and tightened .
22 Close friendships with girls a few years older or younger than oneself were actively discouraged , and it seemed to us that to be seen in earnest conversation with a girl who belonged neither to one 's own year or one 's own house was tantamount to admitting that one was engaged in a lesbian liaison .
23 Nevertheless , I had an odd feeling about this fellow and it came to me many times during my short period as an Instructor .
24 But I have over the last six months had occasion to discuss this very matter with a number of very highly placed Americans , and it seems to me that thinking in that country is much more far-sighted than that represented by their countryman here .
25 Well I work as a psychotherapist and it seems to me that for some people change is impossible and when that is the case then its my job to help them to come to terms with who they are and what they are and how there going to remain , but the other side of it is helping people to change and I have to say usually its to loose weight , that 's the biggest reason people want to change .
26 The trade in value of this set up is amazingly ( to me ! ) low and it seems to me that all ( all ? )
27 We 've actually got to address the issue of the waste of the resources of the planet and it seems to me that this report addresses that fairly substantially .
28 Er we 're going to er get it drafted up and er we have some money in the , we have some money in our budget , for a gift , and it seems to me appropriate erm that the gift that we might make to Cheskevod is the s trading charter which we can get for the money that we 've budgeted er written by a calligrapher who I 've already contacted , who said that they can do it erm well , for that sort of price , in both English and Czech .
29 And it seems to me axiomatic that the further the new settlement is located away from York City Centre , York City , then less likely it will be erm to meet the housing requirement needs of the Greater York area .
30 ‘ If A delivers goods to B on sale or return and B having received them immediately delivers them to C on sale or return , the reasonable time in the one case must , I think , be co-extensive with that in the other case and if that reasonable time elapses and C brings back the goods to B and B takes them back to A , everybody is acting within his rights , and it appears to me that property never passes … if under like circumstances A delivers goods to B and B delivers them to C in each case on sale or return and the reasonable time be , let us say , 14 days , and C after four days sells the goods or elects to buy the goods , I think property will have passed , because C will have done an act which renders it impossible for B to return the goods to A. ’
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