Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [verb] [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 possess any secret official code word , or password , or sketch , plan , model , article , note , document or information which relates to or is used in a prohibited place or anything in such a place , or which has been made or obtained in contravention of this Act , or which has been entrusted in confidence to him by any person holding office under Her Majesty or which he has obtained or to which he has had access owing to his position as a person who is or has been employed under a person who holds or has held such an office or contract — [ and who ] ( a ) communicates the code word , pass word , sketch , plan , model , article , note , document , or information to any person other than a person to whom he is authorised to communicate it , or a person to whom it is in the interest of the State his duty to communicate it , or ( aa ) uses the information in his possession for the benefit of any foreign power or in any other manner prejudicial to the safety or interests of the State , or ( b ) retains the sketch , plan , model , article , note , or document in his possession or control when he has no right to retain it or when it is contrary to his duty to retain it , or fails to comply with all directions issued by lawful authority with regard to the return or disposal thereof , or …
2 The rest will be given or sold to the public , while those works for which a home can not be found or which have been damaged beyond repair by the years of neglect and the atrocious conditions in which they were kept , will be destroyed in a bonfire .
3 It reminded Jane of one of the Professor Branestawm stories she had read as a child in which the characters were photographs come alive , each repeating , over and over again , the sentence he or she had been saying at the moment the photograph was taken .
4 Before the prison doors had opened , or she had been stuffed into the hold of that ghastly convict ship , to spend her life scrubbing and cleaning and whoring for rough and dangerous men .
5 It is sufficient for that person to establish that he or she has been prevented to an appreciable extent from enjoying the ordinary comforts of life ; there is no need to establish direct injury to health .
6 Thus , on Jan. 30 parliament co-opted 120 new members to replace CPCz members who had resigned or who had been recalled by their constituencies .
7 The Libyan Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation Secretary Ibrahim Bashari claimed on April 27 that the air embargo had led to the deaths of " hundreds of children " who would otherwise have received medical treatment abroad or who had been deprived of vaccines which had to be imported .
8 Although Gundovald received open support from men who had fallen out with Guntram , or who had been left without a patron at Chilperic 's death , Theodore of Marseilles claimed that he had been ordered to receive Gundovald by Childebert 's magnates .
9 The person who recruited Nowak , or who had been recruited by him , would be trembling with anticipation .
10 At first there was no grand plan , it was simply a case of choosing who was around or who had been recommended by her new friends from Vogue .
11 The Red Cross primarily visits those inmates who are former National Guardsmen or who have been sentenced for counter-revolutionary activity .
12 Right-wing women have relatives and friends in the army and police forces whose lives are in danger or who have been killed in the civil war .
13 At the same time , the inner city forms the ‘ sink ’ to which gravitates a range of marginal and minority groups , including non-white immigrants , young single people , one-parent families and various types of social deviants who prefer the anonymity of big-city life or who have been ostracized by their community of origin ( Knox , 1982 ; Peach , 1982 ) .
14 ( c ) Enforcement of judgments Where there has been a judgment against the firm , execution may be issued against : ( 1 ) assets of the firm ; or ( 2 ) any person who has acknowledged service as a partner ; or ( 3 ) any person served as a partner who has failed to acknowledge service ; or ( 4 ) any person who has admitted in his pleading to being a partner or who has been found by the court to be a partner .
15 Nothing happens on the property in Kent — from which I conclude that our plans have either misfired or we have been seen through ( now there 's a possibility to douse even your ever-optimistic spirit ) and from you I hear nothing at all .
16 Mr Hill : Yes , now , during the war most men between 19 and 38 got called up and they went into the army , navy , airforce and fire-brigade or they had been drafted into factories to make tanks , aeroplanes and munitions so some things , areas , like farming were very short of labour .
17 For he had stumbled across — or it had been revealed to him — that if you act as you deeply want to act and if that , sublimely , coincides with what you aim for , then nothing is simpler , nothing is more dynamic , nothing is happier .
18 It looked as though something had chewed the handkerchief , or it had been destroyed by acid or something .
19 A Design Change can be aborted using option 2.7.0 , Abort DC , if , for example , it refers to the wrong module or it has been activated through the wrong package .
20 Recently new markets have been found in foreign factory ships , mainly from the USSR and Poland , which have bought much of the catch at sea , or it has been sold to French canneries which take it by road and the cross-Channel ferry from Plymouth .
21 He 'd been ordered to report to the Ministry by his Adjutant , and either there had been some colossal mistake or he 'd been sent for under false pretences .
22 But there were also cases which held that the applicant for mandamus had to show that some legal right of his or hers had been infringed by the challenged decision .
23 stresses the importance of direct experience in the education of children : ‘ Children soon forget what they say or what is said to them , but not what they have done nor what has been done to them ’ ; ‘ Give your scholar no verbal lessons ; he should be taught by experience only ’ ( ibid .
24 It was King Henry 's one great gesture against Glendower , and nothing had been spared of loans , and exhortations , and massing of stores , to ensure its success .
25 Now the taxation of the plaintiff 's bill of costs , came before master er and er in his taxation , it seems , and I 'm , I think I 'm right in saying it , it seems that erm there is no substantial dispute as to the particular items in the various bills of costs with which he was concerned , it maybe that if there were a discrepancy , he has , he dealt with it and nothing has been said before me today , er to suggest that the figures appearing in the bill of costs ought to be varied and accordingly I have not er have to consider the detail items in the bill of costs , the only issue I did n't decide is whether master was correct in disallowing interest for the period that he did , er Mr for the plaintiff says that he was wrong er that there was no good reason for disallowing him any interest and that accordingly I on this appeal should erm discharge or reverse that part of taxing order as disallowed interest .
26 According to the House of Commons Environment Committee our waste control regulations are a ‘ shambles ’ , and nothing has been done about nitrates and excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers as requested by the EC .
27 This did n't work , so he took the girl back to Sweden and nothing has been heard of them since . ’
28 I certainly have no knowledge of of any contact with regard to the ultimate venue and nothing has been marked on my file .
29 I certainly have no knowledge of any contact with regard to the ultimate venue and nothing has been marked on my file .
30 All statements of fact and information contained or referred to in the Disclosure Letter are true and complete and are not misleading in any respect , all statements of opinion therein have been made after due and careful enquiry and are reasonably believed to be correct and nothing has been omitted from the Disclosure Letter which renders any of such matters misleading .
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