Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 This is the best record ever made ! ’ — the songs lack the bursting invention and variation of great pop/soul/jazz/harmonica gumbo or whatever to lift them into that category .
2 Any queries questions or what have you about that ?
3 Nearly all of you promised to promote Society membership and I thank you for that .
4 One year new chain and I had it in that little on the tree ?
5 And I respect him for that .
6 Anyway , the people at SIS are big enough to take it and I respect them for that . ’
7 And I arranged it on that day at the time .
8 And I asked him about that particular morning 's exercise with the coastguard helicopter .
9 Let's try and get it on the board , which somebody has written on and I told them about that and asked them to clean it , but , bring a spray can of white paint next time .
10 You know , and I told you about that I 'm having my er done .
11 And I 'll say this now , they was in business there , nextdoor , and I knew them like that , they says any machinery come here and use it , and they 'd got shears and all that sort of thing , and with their help , you know , I had these four locks and did them and took them down in no time to m to er , to and they was flabbergasted because of the quickness of them , you know , and they says er we can always find you sommat to work if er this is the case .
12 And I knew it from that first day when you came driving down to the chais like a crazy woman .
13 And I saw it before that , about , yeah about eight as well .
14 Roughly , those over thirty-five , and I put him in that group , reacted with a mixture of impatience , embarrassment , and guilt .
15 My hon. Friend has chosen a particularly important subject for today 's debate , and I congratulate him on that .
16 The hole I drew was about nine metres out and I fished it with that length of pole and a short line .
17 You assumed I would know to pick it up to like that and I grabbed it like that .
18 Councillor is on record , in fact not long after taking his job , that he does n't care much for state education , he prefers , grant maintained schools , the assisted places scheme , which I 'm pleased to say , Lord Mayor , we do n't operate in this district and neither did the Tories when they were in power and I applaud them for that
19 It also goes with the people he moves among , the ‘ circles ’ and ‘ sets ’ of The Possessed , many of whom are travellers too , and with the ‘ quintet ’ which he does n't belong to but is entangled with , which he tries to kick himself clear of , and which dumps him in that pond and leaves his cap behind .
20 Oh I used to love sally loaves and you cut them off that way
21 You got the band and you put them like that , and you twisted it round , did that and then it was a long band you see .
22 And you put it on that
23 And you discussed it with that body of er people at local conference .
24 You see they did n't do things then that they would have done today , you see , seven years and you see I at that time , well I used to used to have a day off and instead of having a half day a week we used to have full day a fortnight and so of course on my day off I came home to see what I can do to help , you see and er my mother died .
25 He was offering her an out and she respected him for that .
26 Her head turned slightly towards him and she fixed him with that blind , unthinking stare .
27 The truth was there in his eyes , and she hated him for that , too .
28 On a visit to Mrs Chamberlin she explained that she did not like to leave her aunt and would from then on come only once a week , and she put it about that for the moment , neither she nor her aunt would be at home on Wednesday afternoons .
29 and we put them onto that area
30 He said , yeah , there has , which came as a great relief to me and we left it at that .
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