Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [verb] [prep] its [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 a private customer to whom it or anyone acting on its behalf provides an investment service is informed of its and that persons status ; and
2 neither it nor anyone acting on its behalf promotes a packaged product of ( or arranged by ) a person outside the marketing group of that tied firm .
3 It 's a very good paper , and I approve of its line , which is important : so many of my friends work for papers they ca n't stand . ’
4 He said : ‘ I support this club , as do my six-year-old and 12-year-old sons , and I believe in its future .
5 In the race this is the original social and psychological trauma which makes civilized society possible and which produces as its embodiment totemic religion .
6 Either way he or she returns to disturb the heterosexual norm , especially in its masculine form , and does so according to a psychic and/or social dynamic which is intrinsically perverse : deviance emerges from the terms of its exclusion , eventually undermining that of which it was initially an effect , and which depended upon its exclusion .
7 Well we read about prayer and we know about its power but you know we often do n't avail ourselves off it and yet it 's plainly written .
8 Nevertheless for many industrial workers the station was their gateway to one week 's or two weeks ' escape from mill and factory , and they rejoiced at its sight .
9 A cough snatched at him and he rocked in its grip .
10 One carries a rope and he frets about its purpose , whether it 's required , where they could possibly have used it .
11 Ye ken , ye walk up tae a door and it opens of its ain accord .
12 The flu virus varies in its structure and it varies in its ability , in the type of antibodies it produces in people .
13 As Mr Scicluna pointed out , ‘ If you turn a committee into a faculty , it gives it a new lease of life , a breath of fresh air , and it thinks about its role a bit more purposefully , as we have already seen from the Tax Faculty . ’
14 The film is like a light pizza piled with heavy dressing , and it sags under its burden .
15 She eventually managed to get the salmon to the bank , and it turned on its side amongst the stones , gasping .
16 Cadfael stooped and took it in both hands , and lifted it , and it parted from its setting without trailing a blade of grass or a torn edge of moss .
17 and it drops to its doom .
18 The family home , dilapidated as it had become , was the last tangible talisman of their pride and , rather than relinquish it , the Chamfers leased the building and what remained of its land to an educational trust formed by an academically inclined cousin , retaining shooting rights , fishing rights and the right to have their female descendants educated gratis .
19 It is an undistinguished spit of land , barely afloat so far as one can see , but it has in its time hosted some very high-level exchanges of civilities and even persons between the two countries .
20 The moth 's physical appearance is not quite as wasp-like but it adds to its disguise by making a buzzing noise .
21 But what to put in its place ?
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