Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Her nightmares had deeply affected Richard , and so Beth had told her husband , ‘ Either they stay close by where I can hear them should they need me … or I 'll arrange for the children , and myself , to move to the east end of the house . ’
2 Or I 'll go to the police .
3 Richard get off the back of it or I 'll put in the buggy .
4 I would drive a few yards through the gate marked ‘ private ’ and instantly be set upon by men wielding knobbly aluminium clubs , or I would return from the walk to find my car had been smelted into a set of folding tubular garden furniture .
5 Drops of condensed water fell on to her head from the ceiling and she thought , I must leave soon or I shall melt into the atmosphere .
6 or I shall dwell in the house of the insane for ever .
7 If the terms of reference you have in mind are not precise , or if they are not explicitly stated , you may not go far enough in your investigations or you may stray outside the limits that your boss or client has in mind .
8 Or you may transfer to the solicitors ' branch .
9 It said , Watch it , Beano , or you 'll go over the edge .
10 Hang on , till I get the brake on , or you 'll run into the river .
11 Do n't wander too far off to the left or you 'll come across the 600yd high sheer cliffs of the North Face .
12 When boring the holes , take great care not to go too deep or you 'll come through the face of the door !
13 You get plenty of choice with the memory-resident monitors — you can opt for the enhanced protection of VSAFE , part of which can reside in Upper memory , or you can go for the smaller VWATCH .
14 At the end of five years , you 've got the option er and you can er then extend the er into the erm er next issue if you wish , or you can go on the extension rate , which is n't usually good , or in index-linked certificates ' case , they 'll perhaps give you indexation , but no er bonuses .
15 Or you can go in the bathrooms .
16 If you really want to be energetic , there 's windsurfing and waterskiing here or you can stroll along the beach to where they still make wooden Turkish boats by hand .
17 It is open to the public at 17.00 on Fridays and on Sunday mornings , or you can apply at the sacristy .
18 Or you can look at the star chart cast at somebody 's birthdate .
19 Or you can pop into the ancient Roman City of Chester for a spot of shopping .
20 all the way up to the mountains , you could walk so far you could nearly cross over and go to another village right up the mountains , just keep walking and walking for ever , or you could go into the
21 You could paddle out from the right alongside a rock jetty , or you could go from the left .
22 Or you or you could ask for the the number of all the conference centres in
23 It had upset him at the time , but you had to get over stuff like that or you 'd go to the wall .
24 He had said to the clergyman that opportunity would n't knock , but you never knew and you definitely had to keep your spirits up or you 'd go to the wall .
25 The spider may wait for developments sitting in the centre of the web or she may retreat to the side and lurk there with one of her eight legs resting on a cue-line through which she will feel movements in the trap .
26 However , for the prisoner , the CAB adviser is often the only non-establishment source of support and contact that he or she may have with the outside world .
27 Or she 'd go to the pictures perhaps .
28 If necessary , he or she will advise on the detailed layout of the cash books , and suggest that he or she reviews them occasionally to ensure their adequacy .
29 As your child grows he or she will pass from the totally secure , almost self-contained , world of the Lower Primary Department where we lay the basic foundations of the entire curriculum , good work habits , and mutual respect , into a carefully planned and ever widening educational experience .
30 When our marketing er executive goes round to the surgery one of the one of the things erm he he or she will determine with the with the practice is the number of booklets we 're going to print .
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