Example sentences of "[coord] [art] [noun] [verb] [verb] some " in BNC.

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1 If you want a perceptron or a BM to learn to recognise some class of examples , you have to provide it with a ) examples of the class b ) counter examples c ) for each training instance , the fact that it is an example or a counter example .
2 display it on the top she saved on wrapping papers and the bows want to get some petrol , have to get some get some what did you ask in Guilford to what , why you asked for B H S about ?
3 Having said all that , I think the interest erm of history lies in exactly the same kind of area as interest in the future , in the sense that we are dealing erm as historians with time , and , to use the old cliché , time marches on , it certainly moves , and the future , the present and the past do form some kind of continuum .
4 These are all concerns central to our own current culture , and the essays help detail some of Shakespeare 's negotiations with us as well as the possible ‘ social energy ’ of his own era .
5 Elementary description had a natural place particularly where " errors of description " had been excepted and the courts tended to discover some measure of description by which the goods had been sold ( see for example Taylor v Bullen ( 1850 ) 5 Ex 779 ) .
6 So Castells was the pioneer of what came to be seen as the ‘ new urban sociology ’ and , paradoxically , The City and the Grassroots seemed to recover some of the themes ( especially that of the experience of the immediate spatial and social setting ) which he had earlier rejected in the Chicago School .
7 He suddenly remembered other beautiful mornings at his father 's farm in Sussex and the sun seemed to lose some of its brightness .
8 The argument , however , forced the English to justify their national identity , and the arguments employed give some idea of how men thought at the time .
9 If in the course of its development observations are made to test the theory , and the theory fails to explain some of them , then it has to be refined to take account of the new observations .
10 The Camden Town bomb attack in London at the end of February similarly injured several civilians , some seriously , and the IRA attempted to lay some blame for the carnage on the authorities .
11 His father , an expert woodsman , had already got a fire going , and the room had lost some of its pristine newness and was looking much more cosy .
12 And a sample tested revealed some inflammation .
13 Endless letters to the council about the state of the ramp and the botch job on the coping are ignored but the council decided to install some close circuit TV for a good proportion of what repairs to the ramp would have cost .
14 But the parting has brought some sweet sorrow to her and her landlord .
15 But the ban has upset some workers , and union officials say it 's unnecessary .
16 Tricon Foodservice Consultants has been brought in to give advice , but the Cassons have had some difficulty in accepting the drastic measures needed to ensure survival .
17 During the service he sat in the front pew and listened to the preacher talking about the kind of woman she had been , and he knew it was n't like that , but the doctor had given some pills and he felt drowsy and numb , and illogically cheerful , as if he was slightly drunk , but at the stage where everything seems enlarged and unfamiliar .
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