Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [vb base] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Induced fractures or cracks occur at the borehole wall as the result of off-loading the stresses during the drilling operation .
2 The command you can see starts or switches to Word for Windows ( the USEEXIST makes the button switch to Word if it 's already open , and the IMAX sizes its window to leave the Power Launcher toolbar clear at the top of the screen , and icons clear at the bottom ) .
3 Prices are from $30,000 for the R30 model and shipments start at the end of December .
4 This kind of link between GIS and other modelling programs is to be warmly welcomed and parallels work at the NWRRL in linking GIS and air pollution plume models .
5 They tend to be at the top and then there 's sort of little bits and pieces go at the bottom .
6 Crates of beer and wine lie at the side of the road , covered with a tarpaulin , a brazier burns and an alsatian dog keeps guard outside a broken down caravan .
7 Satish Nambiar , that his forces be authorized to exercise immigration and customs control at the borders of UN protected areas in Croatia .
8 conference in Seattle 4–6 February and Britons meet at the Tate 2–4 April
9 The following night , the Lark Quartet , a much acclaimed ensemble from the United States plays at Scone Palace , while Miles and Millner entertain at the Salutation Hotel with The Complete History Of Music .
10 The female 's sperm storage tubules are sausage-shaped and sperm lie at the bottom of the tube .
11 At her parents home in Parkgate , The Grange , she said : ‘ I do n't intend to start smoking and I do n't like being in the company of people who smoke , especially when we are on holiday abroad and people smoke at the table . ’
12 This development is followed towards the north by a sharp uplift in the horst of Ibbenbüren where Westphalian C and D lie at the ground surface , — followed by a renewed deep subsidence within the Lower Saxony Basin and , farther to the northwest , into the North Sea .
13 The fact that Estonia and the Ukraine have proposed the issue of their own currencies illustrates how the control of tax and expenditure lie at the heart of independent government .
14 But I'Il wait at the quarry until Masklin comes back .
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