Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [vb past] her [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When she was leaving , John reappeared and he and Sarah accompanied her to the corner of Magdalen Street .
2 She confessed that the bitter jibes and over-exposure led her to the precipice .
3 It was just coming up to three o'clock when the taxi dropped them off in the old town square and Ven guided her to the old town hall where , with barely a minute to go before the run-through of the astronomical clock , Fabia stood in rapt attention .
4 And Lucy called her in the morning , swept away all doubts with a rush of enthusiasm about the exhibition , and only when they 'd hung up did Jay realise that she had n't given her a date , a time ; that she — they ? — were just where they 'd been five months before .
5 She often used to say she could n't believe how some people behaved , and the promiscuity and drinking shook her to the core .
6 Screens of holly and ivy sheltered her from the deepening winter , but now the forest became a black and frozen place .
7 Mrs Redmond called to see Julia one afternoon as she sometimes did now and Julia told her of the conversation about mourning .
8 ‘ Come along , my dear , ’ Miss Honey called back , and Matilda followed her up the path .
9 Leonora turned away blindly , and Penry caught her by the shoulders , forcing her round to face him .
10 At ten Lily left and Adam escorted her to the door .
11 Anna was crying again and Peg cuddled her into the folds of her own shawl where it was warm .
12 Blood tests revealed Louise 's haemoglobin level was down and doctors referred her to the local hospital .
13 When she came back , Phyllis and Peter met her at the back door .
14 ‘ She is a very sweet natured little thing , very non-aggressive , and Mia liked her from the very start , ’ said Marie .
15 They arranged to meet after the show , and Kattina took her to the houseboat which was her home .
16 In the morning , Punch brought a letter from Trelorne , whose contents Aunt Emily did not reveal , but Alexandra found her in the drawing-room after luncheon .
17 But hope warmed her throughout the evening .
18 ‘ It does n't matter , ’ she muttered , and turned away , but Penry seized her by the waist and turned her to face him .
19 She made to rise , but Harry grabbed her by the wrists and she subsided back onto the bed with a sharp cry of pain .
20 But people reached her at the office and the office had a rule banning employees ' home addresses being revealed .
21 Iris opened her mouth to contradict , but Melissa nudged her under the table .
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