Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [verb] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What would be the effect of changing the public policy insofar as it constitutes a social guide to the conditions in which individuals or groups chose from the possible adjustments ?
2 Such people think that native Australian species are usually driven extinct by superior competitors or enemies introduced from the outside world , because the native species are ‘ older ’ , ‘ out of date ’ models , in the same position vis-d-vis invading species as a Jutland battleship contending with a nuclear submarine .
3 By contrast Sofia , the capital , was the stronghold of the UDF , which comprised some 16 different parties or movements ranging from the environmental group Eco-Glasnost ( which had been the first to oppose the former communist regime — see p. 36980 ) to Podkrepa , the rapidly growing free trade union movement .
4 An Armenian whose family came from Erzerum or Kars is neighbour to other Armenians whose parents or grandparents came from the same towns , just as Palestinians from Haifa — or from Mrs Zamzam 's village of Um Al-Farajh — now live in refugee camps next to those whose homes were in the same places , sometimes in the very same streets , in what was Palestine .
5 Todd & Duncan benefited from the increased demand for cashmere and , backed by the strongest stock service in the industry , quality driven investment and new impetus in product development , made substantial overseas progress which should be maintained in 1993/94 .
6 Despite all her caution , her wriggling movements made Water Gypsy sway a little at her moorings , and once or twice she stopped and held her breath , but no movement or challenge came from the narrow boat 's main cabin .
7 In due course the usages of the frontier included regular meetings of Wardens from either side , seeking to control unrulier elements in their own jurisdiction and obtain redress for robberies or killings inflicted from the facing March .
8 Should LA leave well alone , and let syntax or semantics choose from the competing hypotheses ?
9 Even far from home , they could gain clues to the positions of , say , sea , desert or mountain ranges from the differing sound patterns these features produce .
10 But Cleveland and Northumberland switched from the recommended second Saturday in June and held their county championships last weekend .
11 It seems that , carried away by the feverish and bellicose atmosphere which was evident both on the streets of Paris and in the Assembly , Ollivier and Gramont strayed from the prepared text , firm but non-provocative in tone , and proceeded to make its content more aggressive .
12 She walked with a stagger , due to damage to the middle ear , her head swathed in a bandage and saliva dripping from the disfigured side of her mouth .
13 Towyn north beach good for dogfish but flounder and dabs reported from the southern section at Penllyn and the rifle range .
14 In either case the aim is to discover what processes and phenomena result from the physical laws governing the dynamics and expressed by the equations .
15 Loans were secured from collections in North America , Europe and the Russian Commonwealth of Independent States , of paintings , sculptures and tapestries dating from the ninth century to the present day .
16 The Central Library holds copies of the Evening News and Scotsman dating from the 19th Century .
17 Angy with dead eyes wide open and blood gushing from the terrible wound in her throat .
18 In pursuance of this last , they waited until the first yells and screams sounded from the unhappy village , followed quickly by the glow of fire .
19 Soon after the match we were strolling companionably through the handsome streets of the town , past a striking collection of houses and shops built from the mellow , biscuit-coloured local stone .
20 He felt cold , his arms and legs aching from the rough ride of the previous day .
21 So too in some degree are the internal workings of hospitals , prisons , asylums , factories and offices screened from the public gaze .
22 In Somerset , reconstruction of the earlier topography of the county has led Christopher Norman to suggest a range of rich resources available at different seasons , with men and animals moving from the rich pasture and woodland of the Somerset Levels in summer to the uplands of Exmoor , the Quantocks and the Mendips in spring and autumn .
23 Some of the divisions in ELDO and ESRO stemmed from the classical opposition between scientists set on ‘ pure ’ space research , and those who stressed the need to launch telecommunications and meteorological satellites .
24 Such words as manager , manipulate , manuscript and manufacture derive from the Latin word manus ‘ the hand ’ .
25 A bishop 's status was not only connected to his role in defining Christian society and to his monopolization of holy places and objects , but also based on legally conferred rights and obligations dating from the late Roman period .
26 In conclusion , Italy and Sicily suffered from the same divisions and neighbourly jealousies as Old Greece , jealousies made more dangerous by racial friction and the threat of native risings ( cranky philosophical activists did not help ) .
27 But the main source of money for releasing the poor and insolvent came from the rich and solvent ; Neild placed advertisements in the newspapers appealing for donations .
28 There was a roar of assent and the gathering began to stir and kindle into easier feelings — neighbours muttered to each other and laughter came from the Grandtully part of the crowd .
29 ‘ The Looms generate immense heat , ’ said Caspar , as they drew nearer and Fenella flinched from the dry , gusty warmth .
30 Seaford , Hastings , Winchelsea and Rye suffered from the old Sussex enemy , the longshore drift that silted up their harbours relentlessly .
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