Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [verb] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This may partly explain why a speaker or writer opts for a marked theme in a given context .
2 As a result of these , ten percent of children go to special schools — e.g. The Petö Institute or schools catering for the blind , deaf or moderately mentally handicapped .
3 The absolute right of an editor or journalist to opt for a personal hearing before a complaints committee would be removed .
4 The absolute right of an editor or journalist to opt for a personal hearing should be removed .
5 The list of single words or phrases substituting for the sexual or scatological items listed above is considerably longer than the basic list ; e.g. " taking medicine " for having sexual intercourse , " pipe " for penis , " nest " , " eggs " and " purse " for scrotum and testicles , " fountain " for vagina .
6 Two of the judgment tasks were then selected which showed only small correlations with risk ratings or accident estimates for the 24 stimuli used .
7 Due to the fact that the sub-contractor when paid on a piecework basis achieves a relatively high hourly rate , most sub-contractors either negotiate an equivalent daywork rate per hour or resist working on daywork and agree rates or lump sums for the particular work involved .
8 THE POCKET DREAM , by Elly Brewer and Sandi Toksvig , is a TV sketch of no freshness or wit extended for a few hours , like a sausage that is half cereal and half donkey meat .
9 If an error or warning occurs for a particular module then an appropriate message is output to this log file , but processing continues until all modules in the steering file have been examined .
10 Depending on the materials available , the choice of what metal or alloy to use for a particular artefact would be influenced mainly by its intended function and how it was to be manufactured .
11 What is perhaps more important for the language learner is that viewing television or film made for a native speaking audience is an authentic experience .
12 And so it was all along the line , from Telnitz in the south , right the way to the Olmütz road , where the plain rose into the foothills of the mountains to the north ; and after he had disappeared into the tumult and light , neither Thiercelin nor Epitot spoke for a long time .
13 This month , Tom Gadd and Suzanne Ardley look at striking furnishings and accessories designed for a brighter life
14 Burnhope : 328 rods weighed in 419 fish , 25 limit bags , rainbows to 8lb 8oz , black and peacock accounted for the best fish .
15 The two awards complement each other well , with the underpinning knowledge and skills required for the general SVQ being delivered in our training centres , while the practical skills demanded by the occupational SVQ are developed on work placement .
16 The School today is thriving academically , with staff who wish to teach , teaching pupils who wish to learn — an unbeatable combination ; and thriving socially , with societies and clubs to cater for every conceivable interest .
17 When he and Adenauer met for the first time , de Gaulle records , ‘ We discussed Europe at length .
18 There would then be no minority interest figure in the profit and loss account for the current year , since the minority interest will also have been a debit balance last year end .
19 The completion accounts shall consist of [ a statement of net assets of the business drawn up at the transfer date and a profit and loss account for the xx months then ended and such additional notes as the Vendor 's accountants shall deem reasonable ] and shall be prepared , in order of descending priority , with due regard to the concept of materiality in accordance with :
20 The completion accounts shall consist of [ a statement of net assets of the business drawn up at the transfer date and a profit and loss account for the xx months then ended and such additional notes as the Vendor 's accountants shall deem reasonable ] and shall be prepared , in order of descending priority , with due regard to the concept of materiality in accordance with :
21 Produce common size profit and loss accounts for the five years and analyse these statements with particular reference to the profitability of Belper .
22 After his visit to the hospital he spoke to shoppers in Stockton High Street about the community charge and Labours plans for a fair rate .
23 The former Charlton Athletic manager has been linked with Spurs , with Peter Shreeves under pressure and fans calling for a new manager .
24 Later , you 'll use races to help monitor your progress , but first of all you need to go through some basic steps to establish the habits and strengths needed for a good running programme .
25 While Singapore was enthusiastic , Malaysia remained cautious , and Indonesia called for a greater concentration on intra-ASEAN rather than external economic relations [ for Indonesian relations with ASEAN countries see p. 37580 ] .
26 But you would lack all the vitamins , minerals and protein needed for a healthy diet .
27 Management 's efforts to devise new industrial relations strategies and styles appropriate for the changing circumstances are the subject of chapter 6 .
28 Normally unaffected by any type of political show biz , the factory was deluged by the media as scores of photographers and journalists jostled for the best position .
29 THE COMBINED Birmingham Railway Museum and Birmingham Mail ‘ Santa Specials ’ were enjoying good publicity and seat booking for the first two Sundays in December .
30 I 've seen comparable cost per port and maintenance costs for an equivalent C++ application in spite of the theoretical portability benefits of C++ .
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