Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [verb] in [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Companies Act 1981 also provided that in determining the aggregate amount of any item in a company 's balance sheet or profit and loss account , the amount of each individual asset or liability included in that amount shall be determined separately .
2 S 1(1) provides that ‘ a person is guilty of an offence if — ( a ) he causes a computer to perform any function to secure access to any program or data held in any computer ; ( b ) the access he intends to secure is unauthorised ; and ( c ) he knows at the time when he causes the computer to perform the function that that is the case ’ .
3 The relevant words are ‘ he causes a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer ’ .
4 Crime — Computer misuse — Unauthorised access — Person using one computer to obtain from it unauthorised benefit — Whether unauthorised use of single computer within statute — ‘ Access to any program or data held in any computer ’ — Computer Misuse Act 1990 ( c. 18 ) , ss. 1(1) , 2(1)
5 Held , that , in the opinion of the court , in section 1(1) ( a ) of the Act of 1990 the words ‘ causes a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer , ’ in their plain and ordinary meaning , were not confined to the use of one computer with intent to secure access into another computer ; so that section 1(1) was contravened where a person caused a computer to perform a function with intent to secure unauthorised access to any program or data held in the same computer ( post , pp. 437A–B , C–D , 438A , E–F ) .
6 It seems to me to be straining language to say that only one computer is necessary when one looks to see the actual wording of the subsection : ‘ Causing a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer . ’ ’
7 ‘ It is submitted : ( i ) the judge erred in law in his ruling on count 1 ; ( ii ) for an offence to be committed under section 1(1) of the Act there does not have to be the use by the offender of one computer with intent to secure unauthorised access into another computer ; ( iii ) there is no ambiguity in the wording of section 1(1) ( a ) of the Act which clearly refers to an intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer ; ( iv ) section 17(2) and ( 3 ) are applicable to the alleged actions of the respondent in this case ; ( v ) the Act has been drafted so as to deal with the person who misuses a computer to which he has direct ( but unauthorised ) access , as well as a computer into which he is able to secure indirect access by operating another computer . ’
8 ‘ A person is guilty of an offence if — ( a ) he causes a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer ; ( b ) the access he intends to secure is unauthorised ; and ( c ) he knows at the time when he causes the computer to perform the function that that is the case .
9 ( 2 ) For the purposes of subsection ( 1 ) ( b ) above the requisite intent is an intent to cause a modification of the contents of any computer and by so doing — ( a ) to impair the operation of any computer ; ( b ) to prevent or hinder access to any program or data held in any computer ; or ( c ) to impair the operation of any such program or the reliability of any such data .
10 It seems to me to be straining language to say that only one computer is necessary when one looks to see the actual wording of the subsection ; ‘ causing a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer . ’
11 They are , ‘ he causes a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer . ’
12 However , if one looks at section 3 it is — we do not need to decide the point — at least doubtful whether it would apply to the circumstances of the present case , because the requisite intent which has to be present before section 3 is breached is the intent under subsection ( 2 ) of section 3 , ‘ ( a ) to impair the operation of any computer ’ — that clearly does not apply to what the respondent did here — ‘ ( b ) to prevent or hinder access to any program or data held in any computer ’ — that again clearly does not apply to what the respondent did here — and ‘ ( c ) to impair the operation of any such program ’ — that does not apply here .
13 I pushed them away with a shudder , but when I looked up I saw , lying on a shelf opposite , an infant or Cupid carved in black marble .
14 Held , ( 1 ) allowing the cross-appeals ( Lord Mustill and Lord Slynn of Hadley dissenting ) , that , where a visitor 's decision was made within his jurisdiction in that he had power under the relevant regulating documents to enter into the adjudication of the dispute in question , his decision was not amenable to challenge by judicial review on the ground of error in fact or law contained in that decision ; and that , accordingly , the Divisional Court had had no jurisdiction to entertain the applicant 's motion for judicial review ( post , pp. 1114F–G , G–H , 1121G–H , 1124H — 1125B , H ) .
15 ( i ) Must Community law and , in particular , the principles of freedom of establishment , non-discrimination on grounds of nationality and proportionality be interpreted as precluding a member state from stipulating as conditions for the registration of a fishing vessel in its national register : ( a ) that the legal owners and beneficial owners and the charterers , managers and operators of the vessel must be nationals of that member state or companies incorporated in that member state , and that , in the latter case , at least 75 per cent .
16 Treaty for a member state to stipulate as conditions for the registration of a fishing vessel in its national register : ( a ) that the legal owners and beneficial owners and the charterers , managers and operators of the vessel must be nationals of that member state or companies incorporated in that member state , and that , in the latter case , at least 75 per cent .
17 Treaty for a member state to stipulate as conditions for the registration of a fishing vessel in its national register : ( a ) that the legal owners and beneficial owners and the charterers , managers and operators of the vessel must be nationals of that member state or companies incorporated in that member state , and that , in the latter case , at least 75 per cent .
18 Treaty for a member state to stipulate the following requirements for registering a fishing vessel in its national register : ( a ) the owners and operators of the vessel must be citizens of the member state in question or companies incorporated in that state and , in the case of such a company , at least 75 per cent .
19 Remember , too , that some of the general topic work or work done in other subject areas may well offer a historical component .
20 If A and B are two elements of the set which both stand in some power of R to a third element of the set C , then either A stands in some power of R to B , or B stands in some power of R to A.
21 The Rules of Conduct and Codes of Practice may be amended , varied or rescinded as the Council may think fit and the Council may , in its absolute discretion , waive the provisions of any of the Rules of Conduct or Codes of Practice for a particular purpose or purposes expressed in such waiver and may revoke any waiver .
22 In any particular case or cases the Council shall have a power to waive in writing any of the provisions of these Rules for a particular purpose or purposes expressed in such waiver and to revoke such waiver .
23 To think of a traitor amongst their own people lacerated him as much as the thought of Iain or Donald lying in some cell .
24 On a more general level , the treatment of the figures in terms of simple , angular shapes or planes arranged in shallow depth foreshadows some of the later techniques which Picasso and Braque evolved to suggest the forms of solid objects and their relationship to the space around them .
25 ‘ ( 1 ) Subject to the provisions of this Act to the contrary , any person suffering loss by reason of any rectification of the register under this Act shall be entitled to be indemnified. ( 2 ) Where an error or omission has occurred in the register , but the register is not rectified , any person suffering loss by reason of such error or omission , shall , subject to the provisions of this Act , be entitled to be indemnified. … ( 4 ) Subject as hereafter provided , a proprietor of any registered land or charge claiming in good faith under a forged disposition shall , where the register is rectified , be deemed to have suffered loss by reason of such rectification and shall be entitled to be indemnified under this Act .
26 To recapitulate , it is clear that differences in national legislation may not only have the effect of preventing a good or service produced in one state being sold in another , but may also distort conditions of competition between manufacturers or suppliers located in different Member States of the Community .
27 To recapitulate , it is clear that differences in national legislation may not only have the effect of preventing a good or service produced in one state being sold in another , but may also distort conditions of competition between manufacturers or suppliers located in different Member States of the Community .
28 21.1 In the event that any or any part of the terms , conditions or provisions contained in this Agreement shall be determined invalid , unlawful or unenforceable to any extent such term , condition or provision shall be severed from the remaining terms , conditions and provisions which shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law .
29 It states that any industrial action or strike called in any area of the union — the NUM is a federation of independent Branches , most of them geographically defined — must be sanctioned by the National Executive , or by ‘ a Committee … to whom the National Executive Committee may have delegated the power of giving such sanction …
30 And there may be those of you reading this who have a friend or colleague suffering in that way right now .
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