Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [verb] [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 While in the long term the mother may well be able to obtain employment in Australia , as she has done in the past , understandably it would not be her wish or intention to do so in the short-term .
2 Do Protestants or Catholics achieve more in the educational system , for example ; or are Catholics more likely to end up in prison than Protestants ?
3 If you are booking a late offer holiday any information or conditions set out in the hate offer documents are also part of your contract and if in doubt you should check with your Travel Agent .
4 You and I are both free , there 's no husband or wife languishing somewhere in the background , no children involved . ’
5 The paradigm underlying this family of methods is that patterns or clusters appear nonrandomly in the training set , for some unknown underlying reason .
6 Companies , other organisations What other companies or partnerships operate already in the country , that might be a suitable target for a takeover , merger , joint venture , licensing deal etc ?
7 Even today surgeons turn over a large number of patients for hymen replacements or repairs carried out in the strictest confidence and secrecy .
8 In every second town we reach , he finds some villain or slut to act up in the crowd .
9 In the back of the car , Henrietta and Samantha made exaggerated vomiting sounds at the very thought of it , and Jacqueline joined enthusiastically in the pantomime .
10 How are the coins and notes set out in the till drawer ?
11 The sun blazed down on the ancient circle of stones , bees buzzed diligently as they searched for late pollen , and birds sang cheerfully in the nearby trees .
12 Wills make it clear that fathers and sons worked together in the same little workshop , and perhaps the women and girls helped occasionally .
13 WHAT with car-jackings , smash-and-grab raids and bombs going off in the car park at the World Trade Centre , no wonder American motorists are turning to Bill O'Gara .
14 The car drove in through the dusty , bleached stone gates to the stone courtyard where a fountain played and cicadas buzzed noisily in the palms and jacarandas moved softly in the hot sea air .
15 There is nothing immoral about being a member of CND , but we must understand that the principles and policies of that organisation are wholly different from the principles and policies set out in the motion .
16 Members and supporters brought up in the pre-1968 glory days are mostly content to support the White Rose despite their lack of success .
17 The first body-blow to this belief was dealt by Kinsey , Pomeroy and Martin , who concluded that , far from a high-point of sexual feeling and tension existing only in the earlier adult years and continuing only to around the mid-fifties , sexuality and sexual activity decline after youth only in the most gradual way , with no set or probable point of cessation .
18 Both Seve and Irwin played badly in the third round , but you 're never going to do a good score at Lytham when it feels like three degrees below freezing and there 's a gale blowing , are you ?
19 But more popular tunes and words figure largely in the collections compiled , and partly composed , by the Nuremberg doctor Georg Forster ( c. 1510-1568 ) and originally published during 1539–56 .
20 MP and JF to get together in the meantime , to see if any short-term improvements are possible .
21 They would have been finished by noon , and the clothes would have been draped over rocks and bushes to bleach overnight in the moonlight .
22 A big grey five-year-old , Sunset And Vine jumped well in the Lily Tree Novice Hurdle and stormed home well clear looking a horse with a real future — some of it , I hope on the right channel .
23 Owls and foxes called eerily in the breathy chill .
24 Even so , the tensions between the EEC and EFTA abated somewhat in the early 1960s .
25 The expensive new shops , restaurants , casinos and nightclubs opening up in the status-conscious post-Soviet capital are often given Western names , which represent luxury to the city 's chic new bourgeoisie. — Reuter
26 The draw itself is expected to last no more than 10 minutes , although there is always the chance of the sort of hiccup that occurred before the 1982 tournament when Belgium and Scotland ended up in the wrong groups — and there was the embarrassed re-examination of screwed-up slips of paper such as might be seen when the vicar 's wife wins both the turkey and the hamper in the Christmas raffle .
27 Jews and Arabs lived together in the street , speaking each other 's language with some fluency , and it was an Israeli Jew who first pointed to the white house .
28 ‘ Imagine me in one of those , ’ she said , and laughter bubbled out in the way that normally set the whole bus tour laughing with her .
29 A sound studio is actually likely to be much more distracting as you will usually be able to see the engineers and technicians working away in the control room and researchers or producers may be passing notes to the presenter .
30 Artists from Sussex and Normandy come together in the ‘ Spirit of ‘ 92 ’ .
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