Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [verb] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The debts shown in the Accounts relating to the Business ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the corresponding accounts for the preceding three financial years ) were good and collectable in full in the ordinary course of business and have or will realise the net amount thereof .
2 No debt of the Business which may be owing at Completion is overdue by more than eight weeks and the amount of such debts ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the Accounts and disclosed in the Disclosure Letter ) will be recoverable in full in the ordinary course of business and in any event not later than eight weeks after Completion and none of the said debts is subject to any counter-claim or set-off except to the extent of any such provision or reserve .
3 Therefore s 1(1) was contravened when , as happened in the present case , a person caused a computer to perform a function with intent to secure unauthorised access to any program or data held in the same computer .
4 Held , that , in the opinion of the court , in section 1(1) ( a ) of the Act of 1990 the words ‘ causes a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer , ’ in their plain and ordinary meaning , were not confined to the use of one computer with intent to secure access into another computer ; so that section 1(1) was contravened where a person caused a computer to perform a function with intent to secure unauthorised access to any program or data held in the same computer ( post , pp. 437A–B , C–D , 438A , E–F ) .
5 However , if in addition to the sole accounts you operate a joint a joint current or savings account with the same bank or building society , you should check from the outset whether the terms and conditions include a right of set off , whereby funds on these accounts may be required to repay the debt on others held by you or your partner .
6 An Armenian whose family came from Erzerum or Kars is neighbour to other Armenians whose parents or grandparents came from the same towns , just as Palestinians from Haifa — or from Mrs Zamzam 's village of Um Al-Farajh — now live in refugee camps next to those whose homes were in the same places , sometimes in the very same streets , in what was Palestine .
7 Women who spun , although there were very few of them , could earn around 15s , while the larger number who were employed as reelers or stretchers earned about the same .
8 It is advisable when planning the leave year to exclude the last two weeks to permit " mopping up " of outstanding leave entitlement arising through sickness or staff joining during the latter part of the year .
9 On one hand , you can use either the DOS or Windows package on the same data .
10 THE POCKET DREAM , by Elly Brewer and Sandi Toksvig , is a TV sketch of no freshness or wit extended for a few hours , like a sausage that is half cereal and half donkey meat .
11 The affluent clients of the smartest shops of Hong Kong , Paris , New York , London or Tokyo respond to the same qualities in ivory as those which attracted Palaeolithic mammoth hunters up to thirty thousand years ago and have continued to beguile all who have since had access to the material .
12 The lack of either standard or system amounts to the same thing .
13 My main gripe is the surfeit of turgid waffle by Art & Language included in the latter stages — a group with which Harrison and Wood have been intimately involved .
14 ( c ) Certain abstract words , like food , metal and beauty may be taught by grouping together a number of objects , models or samples belonging to the same class .
15 It is important to remember that a very large percentage of jobs never come on to the open market but are filled from within the firm , by people applying ‘ on spec. ’ or by people who hear about a vacancy from friends or colleagues working in the same field .
16 We may tend to assume that other companies and cultures operate with the same sorts of motivations and criteria of success as we do , despite the fact that Japanese companies , for instance , turn in a very low rate of profit compared to those in the United Kingdom , and indeed do not need to do so because of the low interest charges and ready availability of capital in their country .
17 On South Georgia reindeer , introduced from Scandinavia by whalers early in the twentieth century , flourish and appear to be spreading ; horses and sheep introduced to the same island did not survive .
18 In spite of an inauspicious beginning , Laura and Bernard succeeded within a few years in developing an absorbing private life in their adopted country .
19 A critical appraisal of the existing facilities , together with redesign proposals and plans relating to the same
20 A critical appraisal of the existing facilities , together with redesign proposals and plans relating to the same
21 There are files of correspondence , rentals and accounts relating to the several divisions of the estate ; approximately 500 maps ( many being older items previously overlooked ) ; boxes on a miscellany of topics from industry and agriculture to education and churches ; and much that is as yet totally unsorted .
22 With the narrow lanes around Bentworth , any approaching traffic would have had to give way and cars travelling in the same direction could have been held up .
23 The images on our television screens , emerging from fly-on-the-wall documentaries and dramatised accounts have conveyed a picture of gloom and despair ; of sad lives filled with harrowing moments of violence ; these are places of isolation and fear staffed with a few uncaring , and usually male , nurses .
24 Carrick has long stopped hoping , calculating that age and immobility caused by a few excess pounds count against him .
25 But he and Eleanor moved in the same set socially .
26 This requires that capital and labour grow at the same rate ; i.e. , and .
27 In the autumn , however , the Japanese recaptured the airstrips , and an argument between Stilwell and Chiang led to the former being relieved of his command .
28 Will we ever see Volvos and Renaults made in the same factory ?
29 In conclusion , Italy and Sicily suffered from the same divisions and neighbourly jealousies as Old Greece , jealousies made more dangerous by racial friction and the threat of native risings ( cranky philosophical activists did not help ) .
30 Institute president Ian Plaistowe , after reading a newspaper report of Mr Damant 's views , wrote to the Financial Times saying that : ‘ The reduction of differences in the accounting treatment of events and transactions arising in the same circumstances must surely remain as the standard-setters ’ prime objective' .
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