Example sentences of "[vb past] [pn reflx] [adv] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But after winning in Galway and on the Circuit of Ireland , McHale could n't keep the momentum going in Killarney last weekend and found himself virtually out of the hunt after just one stage .
2 He let himself quietly out of the house and the silence closed in around Hari , smothering her .
3 All the same , John Alexander 's piece on the Paris period would have made livelier and easier reading if he had not , like Richard Humphreys on the London years , limited himself so self-effacingly to the documentation , necessary though that is .
4 Furthermore , the Catholic church involved itself fully both in the important rites of passage , such as baptism , marriage , and the last rites , that marked an individual 's progress from the cradle to the grave , and also in the annual round of celebrations which marked out the changing seasons .
5 Generally speaking , DCSLs advised on availability , choice and the mechanics of acquisition , down to and including the precise way in which order forms were to be completed , but in at least one case the DCSL involved herself more fully in the policy-making deliberations of the school library committee .
6 And the two policemen were ushered out of the office and found themselves once again in the hallway .
7 Much to my disgust I then found myself as far from the sea as I could get — Heathrow Airport , which was just in its infancy but beginning to grow rapidly with the postwar boom in air travel .
8 ‘ I have spent time in Greece and Malta during those countries ’ General Elections and found the electorate involved themselves much more in the campaigns and really enjoyed the experience , ’ she said .
9 Dorcas lowered himself gingerly on to the brink and sat with his legs dangling over the drop .
10 He lowered himself very carefully into the chair at the head of the table .
11 Then he flung himself neatly across to the bed , thinking agreeably of life with Fred and Daisy as he went , and another spring broke .
12 And lest there be any misunderstanding as to the intensity of the attachment Lugard had in mind , it may be noted that his thinking revealed itself quite clearly on the subject of loyalty when he wrote of military matters and the secret of command .
13 He threw himself almost sideways through the gap , rolling across the ground as much to put out the fire that was burning him as to lessen the momentum of the fall .
14 She threw herself backwards on to the wooden desk , and swung her legs high above her .
15 Marianne crossed the room with her usual catlike grace and threw herself casually down on the bed .
16 He had , after all , surpassed himself once more in the 1991 Ryder Cup by winning 4½ points out of 5 .
17 Central government and received opinion were powerless against that pressure , which expressed itself most clearly in the urge to enter secondary-modern pupils for public examinations .
18 She lowered herself further down into the gully , and urinated on the ground .
19 The Navigator shuddered and focused himself more acutely on the immaterium without , alert for maelstroms .
20 Alexandra prised herself reluctantly out of the chair and stood looking down at her Great Aunt .
21 When she contracted breast cancer , she used phototherapy to defeat her sense of powerlessness and despair — a mug shot of her damaged breast re-humanised the dehumanisation of the hospital process — and placed herself once more in the centre of her own drama .
22 Their first set was all up-tempo , driving stuff , from Sonny Rollins 's Tenor Madness to Harold Arlen 's My Shining Hour , and they acquitted themselves well enough alongside the visitor , although the rhythm section were a little at-odds with each other stylistically .
23 But by misfortune his telescope had now wandered back again and was trained on the Cutcherry at the very moment that it exploded with a flash that burnt itself so deeply into the Collector 's brain that he reeled , as if struck in the eye by a musket ball And then there was nothing but smoke , dust , debris , and a crash which dropped a picture from the wall behind him .
24 ‘ It was not my fault ! ’ she protested involuntarily , and thus brought herself once again under the scrutiny of those keen eyes from the bed .
25 Then she went upstairs to tell Giovanna that she thought she would not be able to stay for her Italian lesson , because she felt so ill , and took herself painfully back across the Grand Canal to her temporary home .
26 She saw herself once again in the cheval glass .
27 The boys eased themselves carefully out of the back of the car and pulled out some of the stores with care .
28 Eliot was one of the beneficiaries , erm he supported himself almost entirely by the advocacy of various kinds of reform in all aspects of human affairs .
29 She skipped out of the way as the broom flicked itself busily in through the door .
30 OD1 proved itself much more like the classic Marshall sound , with enough dirt to make things ballsy , but not so much that backing off the guitar did n't clean up the tone for real blues rhythm playing and crunchy Bryan Adams-type chords .
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