Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] [vb pp] [adv prt] at the " in BNC.

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1 Yes , yes , but erm , you know , I have had to say to the chaps , one of them came in and he said he 'd been spoiled down at the cedar and I said oh well , I , I 've been cooking a breakfast for Neil of course by the operation of sods law , Neil suddenly goes off the idea of having breakfast , so I find myself cooking breakfast for this other lump , who is as idol and selfish as anybody ever met in all the born days , and I said to him just recently , I said , I , I ca n't get up and do breakfast 's in the morning any more , well he says he come 's down and does he 's own , you see they can when they feel that they want too .
2 Erm I think they thought they 'd been let down at the end of it .
3 Glancing at his watch , Donaldson saw that it was after five ; seven hours since he 'd been picked up at the courtroom , during which time he 'd skipped lunch and spent his afternoon handing tidbits to a bright primate .
4 Many of the rebels , after a planned night attack had been called off at the last minute , had gone off into Inverness in search of food or were sleeping exhausted , unwilling to be roused , when news arrived of Cumberland 's approach .
5 A very fine example is provided by the natural arch in limestone on the river Ardèche in the Cevennes to the west of the Lower Rhône valley ( Plate 36 ) : this approximates to what one would expect if a meander of the type shown in Fig. 9. 12A had been cut through at the neck .
6 Beaumont bought Jodami cheaply in Ireland for Yorkshire businessman John Yeadon after the horse had been broken in at the Curragh as a four-year-old .
7 Most significantly , and as far as most English observers were concerned most ominously , diplomatic relations with Rome which had been broken off at the Reformation were now restored .
8 Two days of high-level bilateral talks , held in Madrid , the Spanish capital , on Feb. 14-15 , ended in an agreement signed by the United Kingdom and Argentina to restore full diplomatic relations , which had been broken off at the beginning of the Falklands ( Malvinas ) war in April 1982 .
9 Relations with Iraq had been broken off at the time of the 1967 Arab-Israeli war and US diplomatic business in Baghdad was handled by a US Interests section at the Belgian embassy ( headed by the author of an authoritative work on Kurdish affairs , William Eagleton Jnr ) .
10 Chris , Marius and the Swiss who had come from Lille were here ; Alex had been turned down at the last moment on a medical detail .
11 Wycliffe had been booked in at the one hotel which remained open through the year .
12 This left the adults without children ( ‘ possibly they had been taken off at the Dutch border ; the SS guards liked to give a lasting impression of their authority ’ ) and a few veterans of earlier Kindertransporte who returned to Liverpool Street — sometimes , like Martha Levy , three or four times a week , on the off chance of spotting friends from home .
13 It was as if the hunt for Lucy Ashdown had spread to take over his world from one horizon to the other and everything else , every essential concern and unanswered question , had been crowded out at the edges .
14 He had come down to the Club that night with a real purpose , a purpose only half of which had been carried out at the meeting .
15 She had been thrown in at the deep end and it was a question of sink or swim .
16 On one side was the flower-garden view ; on the other , one window had been bricked up at the time when windows were taxed , and I walked over to the remaining window .
17 In fact , outside the Europe of the Six very little had been achieved and very little interest had been displayed in integration and cooperation beyond the all-European organisations that had been set up at the end of the previous decade .
18 Three makeshift stalls had been set up at the entrance to a shopping mall .
19 During the last year before her furlough one hundred and seventeen new soldiers had been sworn in at the Howard corps .
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