Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] into the [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Some geezer got down into the tunnels and found his way out . ’
2 The Friar plunged down into the ravine and toiled up the other side .
3 Eighteen months later he moved on into the marketing and sales department , where he was responsible for liaising between Harwell and the EEC .
4 The car moved off into the darkness and the rain .
5 He swam back into the bay and along the coast some hundred yards before swimming in again .
6 He wandered out into the kitchen and took a pint of milk from the fridge , supping straight from the bottle .
7 Edward , offended by the detergent , wandered out into the garden and was instantly distracted by the sound of digging from beyond the yew hedge .
8 Slowly she wandered back into the kitchen and started to unpack the boxful of food .
9 I wandered back into the city and even thought of revisiting my old haunts but , near Whitefriars , a counterfeit man recognised me .
10 Trent dropped down into the galley and took his time searching out a tin of ginger biscuits .
11 Giles-the-murderer , who had been in the coffee shop , strolled along into the mêlée and started being frightfully nice to old ladies .
12 They came down into the hall and heard a key in the lock .
13 He came down into the cellar and was awarded a pint and we all seemed to be enjoying ourselves when , once more , there was a banging on the door .
14 So the sergeant came down into the cellar and again was awarded a pint ; he explained that the wing commander was wanted back at Oakington immediately because someone at HQ wanted to speak to him .
15 She came back into the church and picked up her belongings .
16 The zinc bath would soon be filled Charlie came back into the kitchen and was told the news .
17 The old woman said something and Simon turned and came back into the room and stood by the deerskin pallet on which Hugh was lying .
18 She came back into the room and shut and locked the door .
19 And sure enough , he came back into the room and shut the door .
20 Fitzosbert came back into the room and Cranston laid some silver on the table .
21 She was still silently pondering this as he came back into the room and smiled across at his mother .
22 Mercy Newbegin came back into the room and closed the sliding door .
23 Miss Knox told the girls what had happened and then McConville came back into the room and asked whether one of the three would do some photocopying .
24 She hastened back into the corridor and slammed the door .
25 ‘ Oh , Fernando , do you remember that afternoon we drove out into the country and that drunken peasant fell off his mule , right in front of the car ?
26 I spent some time with him after he drove back into the pit-lane and he was very categorical about his decision : ‘ It is simply not worth it , ’ he said .
27 The two poets talked together , the dogs slunk back into the room and fought under the window , the fire flickered .
28 He strolled back into the kitchen and she glowered at his departing back .
29 I came out into the hall and … ’
30 He came out into the sun and wondered what next .
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