Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] at the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They gazed down at the innocent football being kicked back and forth against the wall outside , the thwack of the ball booming in the street amongst the traffic noise .
2 The oriental gazed down at the broken body of his defeated enemy .
3 In an uncomfortable silence Nathaniel Sherman and the others gazed down at the dead buffalo cow .
4 The Sphinx of Giza gazed down at the red velvet couch .
5 I gazed down at the reclining form .
6 Witcher gaped down at the smoking hob in his chest .
7 Outside two young men peered in at the lighted women with their bottles and Jonquil 's cans of Carlsberg .
8 She peered down at the dark water in the basin below .
9 ‘ Mummy will be cross , ’ she murmured , wrinkling her nose as she peered down at the long tear .
10 Then she paused and peered down at the writhing thread .
11 Very much easier to produce , these weeping standards consist simply of an easily struck rambler cutting with only the one single strongest shoot allowed to develop into a whip and stopped off at the desired height — or you can throw all convention to the winds and simply use a short pillar , fix an umbrella into position , and let a normal growing rambler fall over it .
12 Miguel must have rung the policía , because their car drew up at the same time as Miguel 's jeep .
13 The cop peered up at the towering fire escape for several seconds , then , satisfied it was deserted , he walked across the alley to the opposite wall .
14 Over to the west , the allied fires petered out at the same point ; yet Thiercelin fancied he could hear the rumble of distant movement .
15 Chuck hesitated and peered out at the teeming streets of Cholon , which they were entering .
16 It was not just that they helped out at the occasional by-election , but that they ‘ pointed to new sources of support whose eventual accommodation , and to new issues whose eventual resolution , would ultimately modify the party itself and help equip it for the challenges of post-war politics ’ .
17 She peered around at the various exhibits , squinting into the sun .
18 The basic recipe is a reduction of white wine and brown fond de veau lié with a julienne of gherkins and mustard stirred in at the last moment .
19 He booked in at the special executive reception on the eighteenth floor , reserving an executive suite on the twentieth floor .
20 MacAirth squinted down at the wine-stained table and muttered to himself .
21 The little plane came down at the old airport , south of the town .
22 good recruiting period and we had er thirty o thirty one I think it was or thirty four new members who came in at the general election .
23 He left Helen and went to have a bath and in the cold steamy bathroom there came to him this vision of a distant unreal Helen looking — well , radiant was the unexpected word that came to mind — looking not her usual self at all in some frock that glowed and billowed and rustled as she came in at the front door late , pink-cheeked , a touch dishevelled and greeted by the stone wall of Dorothy 's disapproval .
24 Now , obviously I 'm not going to talk about profits from the T V division just now , because Thames only came in at the half year , and we 're not including any profits from B Sky B in the half year , but it 's likely that we 'll take some de-loan stock interest in at the year end .
25 Lyn switched off the set as Stephen came in at the back door .
26 Well as you know er to be a basic rate taxpayer , you 're paying twenty five pence in the pound , apart from the er the new rate you know the first two thousand five hundred you get at twenty percent , which came in at the last budget .
27 But Anna did not talk to him , because Sarah came in at the same time .
28 Edward came in at the french window and stared blankly at his younger sister .
29 She gestured down at the pale lilac , close-fitting , long-sleeved light wool jersey dress she was wearing .
30 Er , the figures in paragraph five are shown there , but we had a recognition of that additional duty , and a variety of other minor changes which I wo n't go into this morning , that came through at the same time .
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