Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] for the first time " in BNC.

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1 The curriculum laid down for the first time what pupils should learn in 10 subjects .
2 ‘ Piece of cake , ’ Nails agreed as they lined up for the first time on the pool edge .
3 ‘ Greed came in for the first time .
4 Late in March Mahmoud showed up for the first time since the Yanks had moved out .
5 Cal turned round for the first time and stared at Vern .
6 The woman clung to Julia 's hand and broke down for the first time , weeping and pouring out a torrent of Italian that Julia was incapable of translating for herself .
7 The bells rang out for the first time just a day after they arrived back at the church .
8 There was one in this show when Charity Barnum 's understudy went on for the first time .
9 Ho looked round for the first time at the massed ranks of Glories with their headlights blazing , and the two figures , stark in the hard glaring light of those headlights , seated opposite each other at the stone table under the Monument .
10 At his first school , Stockwell Junior School , David dressed up for the first time in a school nativity play .
11 THE PRINCESS of Wales last night spoke out for the first time about the ‘ untrue and hurtful ’ allegations about friction between her , and the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh .
12 The serious Christian , set down for the first time in a Christian community , is likely to bring with him a very definite idea of what Christian life together should be and try to realize it .
13 Outside his ears picked up for the first time the rustling of invisible leaves and the rattle of window-frames : the wind was rising .
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