Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] from the [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When we run the satellite sequence , you can see all the cloud that moved in from the west overnight and the good news is that the back edge is not too far away .
2 I dropped down from the loch only to find that the terrain was considerably steeper than I recalled on the way up , although the compass said I was doing fine .
3 Rain and wind gusted through the gap as the dimly glistening form of some horrifying , ravaged shape lashed out from the pavement above and beyond them .
4 Now , he turned back from the window again , full of grief .
5 More usually , however , each wave shows an elliptical strip of the sky , light , from the horizon , with a dark reflection in its middle ; the whole surrounded by the less dark but increasingly rich colour made up from the sky above added to the colour of the water itself .
6 Phil got up from the bed abruptly and turned away with an awkward gesture — his usual response when he felt insulted .
7 As I crouched against the wall which offered some protection against the rain , the mortar team Corporal got up from the grass where he had been sitting and , crossing over to the small pile of H.E .
8 Willie got up from the table excitedly and moved towards them .
9 Loud blasts echoed up from the valley below .
10 She tried to keep her tone light , matter-of-fact , but her mother swung round from the sink where she had just begun to prepare vegetables for lunch , and her father lowered his paper and peered over his glasses at her .
11 Sparks flew up from the pavement only a fraction of an inch from his father 's head .
12 An unmarked Ford Escort pulled out from the kerb slow enough to give me plenty of time to ease up and reach for the horn .
13 He dashed into the nearest shop doorway at the cab took off from the kerb again and accelerated away down the street .
14 I looked up from the desk where I was writing in the day book .
15 Caroline looked up from the paper again .
16 The Nubian looked up from the couch where she half lay by a low table on which a number of limestone flakes were scattered .
17 To go through all her husband 's personal belongings sent back from the hospital where he died .
18 There was a market down the centre , the stalls facing out , but the air and ground were polluted with the blood , dirt and ordure which ran down from the shambles where the animals were slaughtered and the gore allowed to find its own channel .
19 Corbett dismounted and looked around , noting that the tower was not as vulnerable as would at first appear : narrow slits pierced the walls and a machicolation jutted out from the parapet just above the tower door from where defenders could hurl stones , or boiling oil , on any attackers .
20 How Alan kept his temper I will never know , but he quietly sorted out the mess , mounted a huge Loch Ordie , rowed out from the shore again and handed me the fly rod : ‘ Here , Bruce , you fish , I 'll work the dap and mind the oars . ’
21 The fire , driven by the wind , spread out from the Drum faster than a man could walk .
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