Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He will implement procedures laid down to comply with the Company 's duty of care and will liaise with the Group Environmental Manager on such issues .
2 Some of the unskilled youngsters drafted in to help with the decorating did not .
3 Swam down to sniff at the trembling .
4 Staring at him worriedly , she slowly sank down to sit on the edge of the bed .
5 There was a row of bright enamel saucepans , an Italian coffee pot and two or three painted ceramic jars on the shelves ; Melissa bent down to peek into a cupboard and saw an array of packets and tinned foods and several types of pasta in glass jars .
6 He bent down to stare at the floor .
7 After a while she came over to Tallis and bent down to peer at the human .
8 Oh no , Jinny thought as he bent down to fiddle with the controls of the video recorder .
9 With a parting gift of prawns and fish from a friendly fisherman , we headed over to look at the islands of bum and Eigg on the way to Ardnamurchan .
10 The Land Rover pulled into the ambulance unloading bay at the hospital and then moved off to wait in the staff car park while Donaldson took Mrs Balanchine to the men 's ward .
11 On the way back home he stopped off to look at a house he was thinking of buying .
12 And when they gave over I ventured back to see from the hillside , where there was some cover .
13 The former Middlesbrough reserve bounced back to form after a spell on the sidelines by hammering a hat-trick in the 6–1 win over Harrogate Town on Tuesday .
14 When he was in the dining room she would be in the dairy ; when he wandered out to look at the home fields she would be over the lake by Burtness Wood ; when he made his way to the wood she would retreat up the fell and it was pointless , he rightly guessed , as well as being too open to comment , to pursue her onto the tops .
15 ‘ I moved out to stay in a hotel and I think Tracie preferred it that way .
16 What is anatomical basis of this orientation selectivity ? ( personal communication ) suggests an answer which is reminiscent of that proposed by to account for the ability of octopuses to recognize spatial patterns .
17 Diana and Charles stooped down to search through the clothes .
18 The last man in , John Bendall had already injured himself when we were fielding and he also came in to bat with a runner .
19 His parachute was caught by turbulence as he came in to land on a school playing field .
20 The small jet came in to land with a rush at Marco Polo Airport and , brakes squealing a protest , taxied clear of the runway .
21 They came in to land in a snowscape , the lights along the thin ribbon of recently cleared runway coming into view and stretching out in front of them as the Seneca descended on its final approach .
22 A few days after that Norman Prince , the founder of the Lafayette , flying long and late in an attempt to avenge Rockwell , hit a high-tension cable as he came in to land in the dark .
23 Just before she turned the sign on the door round to read ‘ Closed ’ , a woman came in to look at the toys .
24 She dawdled along to look into the garden of 45 .
25 As usual , she strolled over to drink in the view — mistress of all she surveyed .
26 Rob came over to perch on the corner of her desk .
27 The eerie lights would hang in the air for quite some time then the mortars came over to burst at the edge of the wood .
28 She pretended not to see David Rosen who appeared on the step as they drove off to talk to the men at the place where they gathered before work .
29 I mean yesterday after I had me dinner I dropped off to sleep for a couple of hours cos
30 Across the choppy water from them stands Billingsgate Fish Market , smartened up to tone with the neighbourhood .
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