Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] [conj] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There were bulletholes in the ceiling — which might have been there before the ‘ pomps checked in and the queensize bed was a tangle of ugly tie-died sheets and surplus clothing .
2 In early April the excitement built up as the first shoals of mackerel were expected .
3 It certainly seemed that a chapter of my life was closing , and I felt even more disgruntled when I found out that the other girls had all managed to get postings near their homes for their final few months in the Service .
4 My father and Diggs came along after the young man passed word along the line of people beating their way along the dunes , but I did n't take any notice of those two , either .
5 If if a major proposal came along and the local authority wan district wanted to grasp it with both hands they could use the er existing erm development plan process to do so .
6 W was the W P C came in after the armed officers went in .
7 The mischievous side of the bright-eyed youngster 's character certainly came through when the English Opera Group recorded an LP of the production ; he munched nuts , not realizing that the microphones were picking up every tiny sound .
8 In the 1860s , the supply of cotton dried up because the Mexican cotton growers had started replacing North Americans , who had become involved in their civil war , as suppliers of cotton for England .
9 The officers of Jubert 's company , then in reserve , were playing cards when word came back that the forward positions had been overrun and had to be instantly retaken .
10 A frightening and under-hand piece of work that must be addressed , since a whole new generation of Pop kids are now getting into ‘ the bobby socks and engine-stripping { Weltsschmertz } of Grease — a musical that came out before The Manic Street Preachers were born .
11 One evening the stars came out and the whole sky shone as clear as polished jet .
12 This came about because the general feeling in the European capitals was that France was a victim of Prussian provocation and that the candidature should be withdrawn .
13 It all came about when the eleventh hole was accidentally built nearly twenty metres closer to the house than intended .
14 there was this witch doctor and Scooby Doo was — he was standing by the witch doctor and the witch doctor went in and he went — he went chasing him Scooby Doo went in the cupboard with Shaggy and got some clothes on and they were acting on and then the witch doctor pressed the button and they turned on again then and then Scooby was acting and then they just take him and he keeped on switching it until they all came round and the all clothes fell off him .
15 The Morning Post joined in when the First Sea Lord , Sir Francis Bridgeman , resigned in 1912 and Bonar Law took up the issue too , suggesting that Bridgeman had been " brutally ill-used " by Churchill .
16 Gedanken 's tummy turned over as the awful truth dawned on her .
17 Hands up all those who turned off when the final whistle went at Parkhead .
18 Two policemen climbed out as the second car arrived , and when the four officers had gathered , they entered the hotel .
19 It turned out that the weekly sales meeting was on Monday mornings .
20 I sent her Nit Ac LM1 and did n't hear anything for a year when she rang up with a headache — it turned out that the anal fissure had cleared quickly and she felt she had been miraculously well given her sister had been murdered 12mths previously and she 'd had 4 months leave of absence from work to deal with the aftermath which had involved her nephew joining the family .
21 To be fair to him , he had repeatedly hinted that , when the evidence was in , it would show that Pound 's contribution went far beyond the mere passing of judgement on particular passages ; and indeed it turned out that the very structure of the poem had been extricated by Pound , rather than conceived and composed by the poet whose name appeared on the title-page .
22 When rumours leaked out that the Welsh Office , rather than grasping this opportunity , were seeking a ‘ derogation ’ to allow it to maintain the present battery of schemes , CPRW asked David Hunt to ‘ introduce a single , comprehensive agri-environmental scheme for the whole of Wales , integrating existing area-based schemes such as ESAs , Tir Cymen , National Park and SSSI management agreements , as well as the extensification and organic farming conversion schemes currently under consideration .
23 I was lifeguarding at the swimming pool , I turned around and the silly shit was getting out of
24 so she said I , I went in and I said to Geraldine I 'm going I owe you any bloody money take the bugger out me wages , she says I ai n't having people that I like being stabbed like that by people like that , she said she ai n't worth the salt of the earth , she 's the salt of the earth she said with people like that pointing to Jenny and Jane , no way , she said and I 'm going with my mates , I turned round and the next thing Janet and Janet and Barbara in there , when we got up the pub at twelve o'clock , course we were all having sandwiches me and Pam got the , me and er Barb got there , then Pam come in then a few more come and erm then the plumber and all that come in with them and I said oh girls we never clocked out , so I said oh well I 'm gon na have to take my key back to Steve , burst out laughing , so I said oh no I said why do n't we have a key cracking competition so of course that 's what we did we all took our keys out of our bag and we went ready for she 's a jolly good ready , steady , fellow , for she 's go and we cracked these ruddy keys and shoved them up in the air
25 As I walked on and the eerie crunch , crunch sounded behind me , I was seized with terror and took to my heels staggering blindly . ’
26 The Scenes of Crime Officer walked in and the fluorescent bulbs on the ceiling flickered into life .
27 Alexandra pushed up the window and the cold rushed in and the sharp salt smell of the sea .
28 Abashed by this sarcasm , the crowd hung back while the dazed Chignell fetched the bath chair which had caused all the trouble , and lifted his master into it .
29 By the time word got out that the whole thing had been a spoof , there was a sizeable demand for the book and , rather than leave it at that , Jean Shepard was persuaded to write the book proper .
30 This time both Arabs got out and the back doors were unlocked .
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